We’re sharing a few selected images from our exclusive, limited edition 2024 wall calendar, filled with photos that capture the captivating beauty of New York City at twilight from iconic places all over NYC.
nightfall in nyc is captivating
Why photograph a glittering city like New York at twilight? Why not high noon? Or midnight? Because if you ask us, twilight is far more interesting and potentially beautiful than either of those times of day.
The French expression for twilight is entre chien et loup: the hour between dog and wolf.

Images inspired by our limited edition 2024 wall calendar with exclusive photos of New York City at twilight from iconic places all over NYC.
At dusk, we balance on the precipice of the known and the unknown. The domesticated and the wild. In the gloaming, warm natural light fades and cooler artificial lights begin to appear. The deepening shadows can drive us indoors. Or lure us out – into the street, into the city, into the presence of the strange and new.
Even that most jaded of commentators, Oscar Wilde, decreed that “Twilight is the hour of magic.”
the magic of new york city at twilight
Twilight rewards curiosity. And courage. It dares us to imagine lives other than our own. To create narratives at which we are not the center. It’s the moment when the warmth of Golden Hour meets the icy hues of Blue Hour – and anything seems possible.
Where better than New York City to explore the mystery and beauty of twilight? At iconic locations all over the city, as day becomes night some denizens of the city are winding down – and others are just getting started.

Images from our limited edition 2024 wall calendar with exclusive photos of New York City at twilight from iconic places all over NYC.
The pulse of the city quickens at twilight. The issues that divide people – race, class, ability, sexual orientation – become harder to see as dusk descends. Perhaps they even become harder to justify.
Some New Yorkers are already in the spotlight or hoping to be. Others are content to walk in the shadows. Most are somewhere in between. Which is the magic of twilight – it’s neither one thing nor another. It’s both.
limited edition 2024 wall calendar with exclusive photos of new york city at twilight
Our 2024 wall calendar with exclusive photos of New York at twilight is our attempt to capture the beauty, mystery, and romance of twilight in NYC – its stillness, reflection, forgiveness, hope and magic. It is a time when the world is transformed – the time when there’s maximum potential for moments of wonder and discovery. You can purchase yours here.
Dorothy Parker said of dusk: As only New Yorkers know, if you can get through the twilight, you’ll live through the night. Game on.