New month, new opportunities! What are the predictions for the month of December 2021 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into December, look to the stars and learn how to win the month with surprising insights. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her January 2022 monthly horoscopes.
expert astrologer shares January 2022 Monthly Horoscope for every zodiac sign
What does the month of January 2022 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer.
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Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her January 2022 horoscopes.
1. CAPRICORN January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
As we kick off your birthday month, you will likely be feeling the effects of Venus retrograde in your sign, which started on December 19th and lasts till the 29th of this month. Venus oversees relationships, wealth, and your personal values. You may very well experience exes popping back up, difficulty with people you love, issues with money, or past employers reaching out. But regardless, the root of this transit—especially as it traverses your house of identity—is to reassess what is most important to you: the kind of person you want to be, the types of relationships and career choices that matter to you, and whether your actions reflect those values.
If you find you’re unaligned, this retrograde will help you course-correct. On the 2nd, the New Moon in Capricorn is supporting your efforts to get things done in a lasting, sustainable way that brings wealth and power, but the catch is you must shed old patterns, behaviors, and people who are no longer in your best interest. Invest in the relationships and forms of income that support your dreams, and be ready for a potential surprise to intercede with a helping hand.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Capricorn.
On the 14th, Mercury retrograde begins in your house of wealth and self-worth. This could cause delays with your direct deposits or confusion around forms of income. But like Venus retrograde, Mercury’s journey backward asks you to look at places where you might not be speaking your truth or investing in what really makes you happy. On the 25th, Mercury retrogrades all the way back into Capricorn, disrupting your communication and throwing a wrench in your electronics. Back up your computer at the beginning of the month.
On the 24th, Mars enters your sign, endowing you with extra energy, courage, and flirty vibes to help you move into February on a high note.
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2. AQUARIUS January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
On December 19th, Venus started its retrograde journey through your 12th house of spirituality, mental health, secrets, and hidden spaces (including hospitals and prisons). It will continue to retrograde here till the 29th of this month. Exes or loved ones from your past who fall into any of these categories may resurface, or money issues in these arenas may become problematic. But Venus’ deepest power is in its ability to reveal your true values, and when it retrogrades, those values can no longer be ignored. Have you been holding back when you want to speak your truth? Have you been investing in what really makes you happy? Are you realizing you want to embark on a spiritual path or focus on your own mental health? This retrograde provides the opportunity to course-correct.
To help with this process, Mercury will enter Aquarius on the 2nd, where it will also station retrograde on the 14th and then roll backward into Capricorn on the 25th, also in your 12th house. While communication meltdowns and electronic fiascos are all a possibility (back your computers up at the start of the month), this retrograde is more likely an opportunity to review conversations from your past and see if you said all you needed to say.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Aquarius.
Watch out for the Cancer Full Moon on the 17th in your house of work and health. It’s surrounded by very difficult, highly emotional astrology that could lead you to feel despairing, caught off guard, and or/controlled. The good news is that Uranus, your planetary ruler, will be in good aspect to Venus, so femme folks, creative projects, or relationships could benefit once the dust has settled. That said, schedule self-care to soothe whatever emotions arise.
On the 18th, your planetary ruler, Uranus goes direct after months in retrograde, helping you get clearer on your priorities. And on the 23rd, the Sun and Mercury team up in your sign—an excellent aspect for communication (this is a much better time to schedule meetings). This astrology also brings nervous energy, however, so bring your breathing exercises and meditation apps to the last week of the month.
3. PISCES January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Venus retrograde in Capricorn kicked off on the 19th of December, and you’re likely already in the thick of it. It will continue till January 29th in your house of friends, the Internet, and aspirations. Exes may slide into your DMs, problems in your friend group may erupt, or money issues with those close to you may create friction. But at its core, Venus is the planet that represents your value systems and guides your decisions about what matters in your life.
This month is the time to reassess whether the people you surround yourself with are really your people, if your relationship to the Internet is working, or if what you aspire toward is actually a reflection of what you care about. On the 14th, Mercury will follow suit, entering its retrograde phase in your house of mental health, spirituality, secrets, and hidden spaces (i.e. hospitals and prisons). Though communication breakdowns are possible, this is an excellent time to revisit conversations that didn’t work out the first time, especially if you were holding back or hurt in ways you couldn’t express.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Pisces.
On the 25th, Mercury will back up all the way into your house of friends, the Internet, and aspirations, joining Venus and helping you have authentic conversations. Be careful around the 17th when a Full Moon in Cancer brings intense emotions to your house of creative projects, pleasure, travel, and children. If you have a trip planned around this day, you might consider postponing, as this moon brings the astrology of despair, shock, lies, and power struggles.
If you have important meetings scheduled, push them out because on the 23rd, the Sun conjuncts Mercury, helping conversations flow, minus the drama. This astrology, however, can feel nervous or tense, especially if you already struggle with anxiety, so bring your lavender tea to whatever the week holds.
4. ARIES January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
On December 19th, Venus began its retrograde phase in your house of career and legacy, and this month you’ll especially feel its effects. This could disrupt your money flow or create discord in your relationships at work, as these are both Venus realms. But maybe most importantly, Venus retrograde asks you to rethink what you do and why you do it. Is your career a reflection of your deepest values? If not, this astrology may give you the opportunity to course-correct.
On the 14th, Mercury also begins its retrograde phase, beginning in your house of friends, the Internet, and aspirations, and then moving backward into your house of career and legacy as well on the 25th. Definitely be on the lookout for communication meltdowns on social media or with your friend crew, but be especially aware that—with two retrogrades in your career sector this month—you’d do well to examine your work with the question: Is who I am best served by what I do?

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Aries.
On the 17th, a full moon in Cancer is bringing up deep, painful emotions in your house of family and home. This is tumultuous energy that could result in shock, despair, lies, or power struggles. There is good new for you, Aries. Chiron, the cosmos’ marker for healing and vulnerability, will make a glowing connection to Mercury, pointing to cathartic conversations. The trick with Chiron is to let your guard down without sacrificing healthy boundaries. On the 29th, Venus will go direct, helping you feel more grounded as we enter into February.
5. TAURUS January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
You’re one of the signs that is most happy to stay inside, to stick to what’s familiar, to root down. But on the 19th last month, Venus retrograde kicked off in your 9th house of expansion, travel, education, and international connections, and this theme will continue all month. Far-off loves or romantic interests from foreign lands may resurface now, previous employers may reach back out from afar to hire you, or any current work you have with international employers may go haywire.
But at the core of this transit is the real question Venus asks us: Are you being true to your values? Though the safe bet and easy answer may entice you, have you been ignoring a voice that asks you to explore? to learn or for an adventure? to take a risk? If so, this astrology provides an opportunity to course-correct.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Taurus.
On the 14th, Mercury retrograde starts off in your house of career, and by the 25th, will join Venus in your 9th house of foreign relations/travel and education. Communication problems and setbacks in your work are definitely possible. But with two planets retrograding in the same house by the end of the month, you’ll want to pay special attention to what you truly want when you think about broadening your horizons.
On the 18th, the North Node enters your sign, where it will stay for all of 2022 and into 2023. This is important astrology that will allow you opportunities to align with key elements of your life path, but you must be willing to invest in your future and what truly makes your heart sing. On the 29th, Venus goes direct, helping you enter February with a better understanding of how you want to move forward.
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6. GEMINI January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Ready to revisit your transformation? On the 19th last month, Venus retrograde kicked off in your house of deep personal change, death/rebirth, other people’s money (taxes, loans, etc.), and sexuality, and by the 1st of this month, it will be in full swing. Venus oversees love, relationships, and money, and this means that you might experience disruption in these areas, or that exes, income sources, or people you were once close to may resurface to show you how much growth you’ve experienced since they exited your life.
At its core, however, Venus represents our value systems. What matters most to you? And what inner transformations do you require before you can get there? This month will help you make the necessary changes. On the 14th, Mercury will also station retrograde, bringing a little chaos to your house of travel, broadcasting/publishing, education, and international relationships till the 25th, when it joins Venus in your house of transformation. Definitely back up your computers and keep an eye out for communication meltdowns in these areas. But also know that with two planets retrograding through the same house by month’s end, there will be a lot to learn in this arena.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Gemini.
On the 17th, a Full Moon in Cancer is raising red flags in your house of income and self-worth. The difficult astrology associated with this Moon could bring despair, deceit, overwhelm, and power struggles. This distress might be around money, but money is replaceable. True despair comes when we lose faith in our capabilities and in our place in the world. Because the house of income is also the house of self-worth, I see knowing your value as the larger issue. As Venus asks you to remember what matters to you, let your answer be, me. Be in your corner, have your back, and love your fears and flaws as much as your strengths. Though it won’t eliminate the moon’s impact, it will minimize its effects.
And because Chiron will sextile your planetary ruler on this day, healing your outlook or being on the receiving end of a cathartic conversation is certainly a possibility. On the 29th, Venus goes direct, and you can bring your new findings into February and the rest of 2022.
7. CANCER January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Who do you partner with, and why? On December 19, Venus retrograde kicked off in your house of partnerships (romantic, platonic, and professional). This may resurrect people from your past or even throw wrenches in your current partnerships. But the real crux of this transit is in the question: What do you value most in your life?
As personal values are Venus’ realm, issue around what matters most in your partnerships will come to the forefront now. Remember that in order to know what you value in others (and what you won’t stand for), you must first have an excellent relationship with yourself; this will be key as you navigate questions around partnership. On the 14th, Mercury stations retrograde in your house of deep personal transformation, endings/beginnings, sexuality, and other people’s money (taxes, loans, etc.). Lookout for communication meltdowns in these areas, or revisiting past issues that relate to these themes.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Cancer.
On the 25th, Mercury will reverse all the way out of your house of transformation and into the same house Venus has been retrograding through, adding an extra layer of intensity to the issues already being kicking up around partnership.
On the 17th, a Cancer Full Moon is surrounded by difficult astrology, including an opposition to Pluto. This indicates shock, despair, power struggles, deceit, or scandal. Because the Moon is your planetary ruler and this is happening in your sign, it is particularly important that you be aware of this date and plan self-care leading up to it and during the two weeks after. You can’t dodge the stars, but you can prepare with the tools you’ll need to navigate them successfully. On the 29th, Venus stations direct. Gather what you’ve learned this month and carry it with you into February.
8. LEO January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
What needs to change about your day-to-day? On the 19th last month, Venus stationed retrograde in your house of daily activities, work, service, and health, and by January 1st, will be in full swing. This could bring people or situations that fall into any of these categories back from the past. Another possibility is that delays or problems arise in one of these areas. But at its core, Venus asks us to know our worth and to live for what we truly value.
Look at your everyday, the ways you give of yourself without receiving in return, the way you treat your body—are these in alignment with your true worth? Are they reflective of what you really want? If not, you will have opportunities to course-correct this month. On the 14th, Mercury also stations retrograde, backing up through your house of partnerships. Be on the lookout for communication meltdowns and delays with romantic, platonic, and business partners.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Leo.
On the 25th, Mercury reverses all the way out of the house of partnerships and into your 6th house, where Venus has been in retrograde for over a month, bringing an extra dose of intensity to issues around your day-to-day life. This house is begging for your attention this month—don’t ignore the call. On the 17th, a full moon in Cancer is bringing difficult astrology to your house of secrets, mental health, spirituality, and hidden spaces (hospitals, prisons, etc.). Shock, scandal, despair, or power struggles could arise.
Because this is happening for you in a house that is already sensitive to emotional upheaval, it is particularly important that you take care of yourself now. Spend time with the people you trust, book an extra session with your therapist, or put an hour aside to meditate. On the 29th, Venus will station retrograde, helping you regain your footing and move forward into February.
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9. VIRGO January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
There are lessons to be learned this month, Virgo. On December 19th, Venus stationed retrograde in your 5th house of pleasure, children, creativity, and romance, and by the 1st of January, you will likely be feeling its effects. Any of those areas could be impacted, which means exes may resurface, you might return to creative projects you’ve abandoned, or issues with children could come back around. You might also experience delays, money problems, or communication issues in these areas.
But one of Venus’ most important jobs is to ask us to know our worth and to live according to our core values, so it is very likely you will have to answer important questions around these themes before the month’s end. On January 14th, Mercury stations retrograde in your house of work, service, daily activities, and health, so you can expect frustrating delays or communication breakdowns in any of those arenas.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Virgo.
On the 25th, it will push further into reverse mode, joining Venus in your 5th house. This double retrograde in the same house is putting an added layer of intensity around these areas of your life, and making it near impossible to ignore them. Patience is key, but so are boundaries. On the 17th, a full moon in Cancer is lighting up your house of friends, the Internet, and aspirations. This moon is heavy. With squares and oppositions surrounding its astrology, despair, shock, power struggles, and painful conversations are all a possibility.
This is not the time for action, it’s the time for self-care, reflection, and deep breaths. The good news is that, because Chiron will be sextile your planetary ruler on this day, healing your outlook or being on the receiving end of a cathartic conversation is likely. On the 29th, Venus will station direct, helping you start February with a profound understanding of what really matters to you and how to create more of it in your life.
10. LIBRA January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Issues around your home and/or family are coming to the forefront. On the 19th last month, Venus, your planetary ruler, stationed retrograde in your 4th house and by January will be in full swing. This transit begs the question: What do you really want in your home life and/or in your relationships with family? Have you been holding back your truth, settling, or not living according to your values in some way? If so, this is your opportunity to course-correct.
On a mundane level, you might experience conflict with family members or roommates, or run into unexpected expenses related to your house or family. On the 14th, Mercury will retrograde through your house of creativity, pleasure, romance, and children. Conversations with people from your past who fall into any of these categories are a possibility (and yes, that means exes). This wouldn’t be the best time to travel for fun, and your passion projects may experience delays.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Libra.
On the 25th, Mercury will retrograde all the way past your 5th house and into your 4th, joining Venus in the realm of home and family. With two planets retrograde here, expect a lot of buzz around these issues. On the 17th, a Full Moon in Cancer is bringing power struggles, shocks, and intense emotions to your house of career and legacy.
This may be the culmination of events that started in June of last year, so think back on what was going on at that time, and remember to bring all your self-care toolkits to this week. On the 29th, Venus stations direct, helping you feel more grounded and prepared for the months ahead.
11. SCORPIO January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Are you communicating how you truly feel? On December 19th, Venus began its retrograde journey through your house of communication, and by the start of this month, you will be feeling its effects. Conversations with people from your past may arise, or publishing/podcasting/broadcasting projects may come back around for a review. But at its core, this retrograde is asking you to weigh what you say (or don’t) against how you actually feel.
You’re a secretive sign, and you lean toward guarding your emotions. Remember that hiding may help you feel safe in the moment, but it’s no way to live your life. On the 14th, Mercury retrograde kicks off in your house of home and family. Confusion, conflicts, and delays with your physical home, roommates, or family members are a possibility (if you’re remodeling or buying, keep all receipts and get everything in writing).

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Scorpio.
On a deeper level, you might be thinking back on your childhood in order to understand your adulthood better. But on the 25th, Mercury will reverse past your 4th house and into your house of communication, joining Venus in asking you to look at how you’ve communicated in the past, and to course-correct where you wish you’d shown up differently.
On the 17th, a Full Moon in Cancer will bring intense emotions like shock, despair, and power struggles to your house of international travel/relationships, broadcasting, and education. Because this house is ruled by Sagittarius, a Sag or Sag rising may be at the center of this. Bring deep breaths, a journal, and an extra therapy session to this week. On the 29th, Venus stations direct, helping you regain your footing and bring everything you’ve learned into the rest of the new year.
12. SAGITTARIUS January 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Ready for money conversations? On the 19th last month, Venus stationed retrograde in your house of wealth and income. Delays with checks are a possibility, along with confusion around sources of income.
On a deeper level, this house oversees issues around your own self-worth, and at its core, that is also the main theme behind Venus retrograde. A double whammy. What is most important to you? Do you value yourself and your goals or do you ask for pay that’s reflective of your worth? Do you value what you really want (versus valuing what you think you want or what you should want). Getting super clear on your values—and acting on them—is at the center of this astrology. On the 14th, Mercury stations retrograde in your house of communication. Conversations from the past may be resurrected to achieve what wasn’t achievable the first time around. Alternatively, broadcasting or publishing projects from the past may come back around a second time.

Predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2022: Sagittarius.
But on the 25th, Mercury will push all the backward into your house of money, values, and self-worth, joining Venus and asking you in yet another way to own your worth (perhaps through conversations or people from your past this time). On the 17th, a difficult Full Moon in Cancer is lighting up your house of deep personal change, endings/beginnings, and sexuality with shocks, power struggles, or painful news.
There is no magical way out of this, so keep the journey through it as gentle as you can with meditation, breathing exercises, and alone time when you need it. On the 29th, Venus stations direct, helping you use the knowledge you’ve gained as you move forward into February.
January 2022 Monthly Horoscope for every sign of the zodiac
That’s what an expert astrologer has to say about the monthly horoscope and what to expect in January 2022 for every sign of the zodiac. Whatever is on the way, we wish you a good, healthy, happy and safe month ahead, dear reader.
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Remy Ramirez is an astrologer, poet, essayist, pop-culture journalist, and editor. She has served as the resident astrologer for Nasty Gal, Dolls Kill, and Stitch Fix, her poems have been featured in The Southern Review and The Miscreant, her essays in Marie Claire and Cherry Bombe Mag, and her celebrity interviews in NYLON, BUST, and Tidal (where she is currently the executive editor). She lives in Sedona, AZ because the thrifting is good and so is the karaoke.