New month, new opportunities! What are the predictions for the month of January 2023 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into January, look to the stars and learn how to win the month with surprising insights. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her January 2023 monthly horoscopes.
Life and Love Monthly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign January 2023
What does the month of January 2023 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer.

Our expert astrologer shares predictions on what to expect in monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for January 2023.
Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her January 2023 horoscopes.
1. CAPRICORN January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Happy Solar Return, Cap! Your birthday month gets off to a bit of bumpy start with Mercury Retrograde in full effect in your sign. It started on the 29th of December, so you may have felt it its presence on NYE. By the time we roll into January, its themes will be well underway.
For you, this is an opportunity to look back at past events that impacted your ego, sense of vitality, or how you present yourself to the world. Are you a bit sharper-tongued than is working? A bit more closed off than you’d like? Are you bringing more of what makes you feel vibrant into your life? Did your healthy ego take a hit somewhere along the way?
Mercury retrograde will square Chiron, the planet of wounds and healing on the 11th, go direct on the 18th, and then will square Chiron again on the 27th, giving you opportunities to think and talk about what wounds have impacted your very identity and sense of self so that you can heal and take a new approach going forward.
A full moon on the 6th
The Cancer Full Moon on the 6th will light up your house of partnerships. Cancer is an emotionally charged sign, and it appears a very important, emotionally charged conversation with, or new thought process about, a one-on-one partner (platonic, romantic, life partner, business partner, therapist etc.) will happen on or around this day.
Because Venus will still be conjunct Pluto, you may go deep into your feelings, and hidden emotions may be revealed. Chiron square both the Sun and Moon will bring powerful healing lessons about your needs as an individual. You may also go out on a limb emotionally or be pleasantly surprised by others during this lunation, because Uranus will send a lovely sextile to the Moon, provoking emotional risks.
New beginnings
With Jupiter sextile Venus, you could also feel excitable and affectionate, or even lucky in love. Mars will trine Venus—a beautiful connection that brings the masculine and feminine in harmony and encourages us to share our true feelings.
This is a conversation—perhaps with someone from your past or involving the past in some way—that will allow you to make progress, but it appears to require your emotional candor, so relax and avoid defensiveness, Cap. If you do, you can absolutely set yourself up for long-term success. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
Mars interferes on the 12th
On the 12th, Mars, the planet of action, energy, the physical body, and anger, finally goes direct in your house of work, health, pets, and daily routines. Mars went retrograde in this house on October 30th, so consider what changes, challenges, and learning journeys you’ve experienced in these areas since then.
With this about face, the energy is shifting now so that whatever you learned can be incorporated into your forward momentum and action. Mars will be slow even after officially turning direct, so don’t expect an immediate 180, but know that those difficulties are now in your rearview as you move into the future with more ease.
Positive energy
The month ends with lovely astrology on the 24th when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in your house of income, luxury, and self-worth, bringing you abundance and luck in these areas. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in this same house, creating an ability to take beneficial action in this area of your life.
Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Definitely plan important meetings for the 29th!
2. AQUARIUS January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
We kick off the month with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn already in motion (it started on December 29th, so you may have felt it on or before NYE). Mercury will square Chiron in retrograde on the 11th, go direct on the 18th, and then square Chiron again on the 27th, indicating that there is deep healing to be done with our thoughts and through our conversations (Mercury’s domains). For you, this is lighting up your house of the subconscious and mental health.
With Mercury turning backward in this area of your chart, it’s time to turn focus to the past, to the moments when your mental health was deeply impacted and subconscious thought patterns were created that no longer serve you. Use this transit to help you heal your mental state, your thoughts, self-talk, and perceptions. This is an invaluable time to regenerate in this area so that you can move forward with a healthier mindset.
Venus enters on the 2nd
On the 2nd, Venus enters your sign, bringing love and money to the forefront. How can you invite more affection into your life? What conversations about finances are needed now? How are you expressing your creativity? These questions will pull focus this month.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Full Moon in Cancer lights up your house of work, health, daily routines, and pets. Venus will have a very strong aspect during this Full Moon, indicating that a job may pay you well or involve more power or creativity—indeed, you may experience more wealth, power, and/or creativity in your everyday life with this astrology.
If this impacts your health realm, you may get good news about a health concern. You could also get a new beloved pet, as this house also oversees this area of life. Uranus will be highly involved in the astrology, bringing the element of surprise or breakthrough into the mix.
Mercury plays a big role
Mercury is also a big player in this moon, so if these things aren’t happening, you may simply be planning for how to make these things happen or in a negotiation phase (which makes sense, as Mercury will still be retrograde, pulling focus toward planning and/or people and events from your past).
There is a wrench, of course. Chiron, planet of wounds and healing lessons, will square both the Moon and Sun from Aries, creating sensitivity and defensiveness. The goal here is to look inward at what you need as an individual, but not to let that overpower your working relationship to others.
Overall, the astrology on this day is lovely; nerves are a possibility, but you have a lot in your corner, so if you’re hoping for a raise or to take on a more creative role, this moon is excellent for setting plans in motion. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New energy on the 12th
On the 12th, we can all breathe a sigh of relief when Mars finally turns direct in Gemini after its retrograde cycle that started on October 30th. For you, this lights up your house of romance, fun, children, and creative self-expression.
Mars oversees energy, action, lust, and the instinct to go after what you want, and with this planet in an incredibly laborious retrograde, you’ve likely noticed changes, challenges, loss, or the sense that you’re trying to run through Jell-O in the areas this house oversees.
You won’t feel an immediate shift overnight, but know that, as Mars now turns direct, the lessons you learned during this difficult phase, are now going to help you as you make forward strides and can, slowly but surely, begin to take action.
Positive energy and opportunities on the 20th and 22nd
On the 20th, the Sun enters your sign; on the 21st, you get a New Moon in Aquarius; and on the 22nd, Uranus, your planetary ruler, goes direct.
These are beautiful days for you, Aquarius! Spend them focusing on what powerful transformation you’re calling in during the next six months, as your New Moon is sitting right next to Pluto, planet of deep change. With Uranus direct and the Sun in your sign, the stars are ready to help you let go of the old and bring in the new.
More opportunities on the 24th and 29th
The month ends with beautiful astrology on the 24th when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in your house of identity, healthy ego, and public image, bringing you abundance and luck in these areas (this is a great time for any type of public appearance, from giving a speech to going live on Instagram).
Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in this same house, creating an ability to take action that benefits your vitality or sense of being seen. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Definitely plan important meetings for the 29th!
3. PISCES January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Mercury retrograde is already in full swing by the time January kicks off (it started on December 29th, so you may have felt it on NYE or before). In its retrograde motion, Mercury will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys, on the 11th. It will then turn direct on the 18th. Finally, it will square Chiron in its direct motion on the 27th.
This whole process points to conversations and thought processes that help us heal deep wounds from the past. For you, this is happening in your house of friends and groups. What wounds have you endured from your friends or in groups you belonged to, especially in your past? What beliefs or patterns did you create to make sense of those experiences? This month is the time to look at, talk through, and start the release those wounds so that you can show up in healthier ways in this area of your life.
A full moon on the 6th
A Full Moon on the 6th is lighting up your house of children, fun, romance, and creativity. With a sextile to Uranus, you may take a trip that leads you out of your comfort zone, try a creative process that feels different, or meet a romantic interest from a different country or culture than you’re used to. Venus is receiving lots of good—and also intense—aspects with this Moon. While you may feel excited and active—and genuinely receive luck and abundance, as both Jupiter and Mars will be sending beautiful beams to Venus, there are some wrenches.
Barriers will form
With Pluto still conjunct Venus, you may confront intense feelings, perhaps of loss. Chiron will square both the Sun and Moon, making us ultra-sensitive and maybe even defensive. And nerves and worry (especially surrounding people/events from the past) are also a possibility with Mercury retrograde opposing the Moon. Should that happen, let these feelings come up and then dissipate. Beyond some of these challenges, this Moon is actually wonderful for setting yourself up for long-term success, so move through any emotional upsets with your gaze set firmly on the future. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New opportunities and energy on the 12th
On the 12th, Mars finally turns around and goes direct after a months-long retrograde cycle that started on October 30th. For you, this has been happening in your house of home and family, and so you have likely experienced loss, change, or an inability to move forward in this area of your life. This period was meant to help you see something you couldn’t see before, and so while much of what you experienced may have felt unpleasant, it was meant to enlighten you.
Now that you’ve gained this new insight, you can bring it into the forward momentum and ability to act that marks the end of this retrograde transit. The energetic shift won’t happen overnight, but certainly by the end of the month, you’ll have the sense that those hard lessons are behind you, and you can now take the wisdom they bestowed on you into the forward strides you make now.
Positive energy and success
On the 26th, Venus enters Pisces. This is wonderful! Venus brings affection, wealth, creativity, and beauty wherever she goes, so get ready to expand in these areas as we enter FebruaryWe end the month with gorgeous astrology on the 24th when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in your house of mental health, secrets, and prisons/hospitals. If you’ve had any issues with prisons or hospitals, those will likely receive incredible luck on this day; you may also find that a helpful secret is revealed.
But with Jupiter’s powers of luck, abundance, and spirituality, it’s more probable that something will support your healthy ego on this day and shift your mental health for the better. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in this same house, creating an ability to take action that benefits your mental health in revitalizing ways. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Mark the 29th in your cal; this is an excellent day!
4. ARIES January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn started on December 29th, and so by the 1st, is already off and running (you may have felt it on the NYE or before). On the 11th, it will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing, it will then go direct on the 18th, and finally, square Chiron once again on the 27th. For you, this is happening in your house of career and reputation, and so do pay attention to all career-related conversations to ensure that you understood and are understood by others.
But beyond that, this transit is asking you to look into your past to understand what in your career is working and what isn’t. Did you take a wrong turn somewhere? Is a decision you made at some point leading you in a direction you no longer feel comfortable with? Did an event impact your reputation in a way you no longer feel good about? You might even want to explore whether painful issues around self-esteem or identity have prevented you from showing up in your career the way you’d like.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Cancer Full Moon lights up your house of home and family. Conversations with family members or about your living situation may feel intense, as Venus and Pluto will still be conjunct. Chiron will also square the Sun and Moon, making us sensitive and defensive, but also setting us up for healing lessons. That said, there’s lots of more enjoyable astrology here, too. Venus will also receive lovely aspects from Mars and Jupiter, bringing luck, abundance, affection, and beauty. Perhaps you’re working out a harmonious (and well decorated!) living situation with your roommates, or maybe you’ll be coming together with family members in a loving, bonded way.
Uranus will also be contacting this Moon, suggesting emotional surprises, risks, or changes. If you need money for a living arrangement, you may also get that now, as Venus oversees finances. Mercury is a major player in this astrology and could cause some nervous energy or bring in conversations with people/events from your past. Should that be the case, take a deep breath—this Moon is wonderful for making goals come to fruition in the long-term, so there’s no need to fret. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New challenges will rise
On the 12th, Mars, who went retrograde in Gemini back on October 30th, will now turn around and go direct, thank goodness. This is happening in your house of communication, neighbors, and siblings. You may have experienced huge setbacks, loss, or difficult changes in this area of your life during this time. But it’s important to remember that in these challenges were priceless nuggets of wisdom that you were meant to glean and take with you into the future. Now as Mars turns around, you will slowly but surely be able to take action in these areas of your life with much more ease and with the benefit of these invaluable lessons learned.
Positive energy
The month ends with lovely astrology on the 24th, when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in your house of friends, communities, and hopes/aspirations, bringing luck, abundance, and a profound ability to expand in these areas. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you network, take action on your goals, and make moves with the groups you belong to. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. If you’re looking for a golden day to take meetings or make pitches, the 29th is it.
5. TAURUS January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Mercury retrograde started on December 29th, and so by the 1st, we’re already in the thick of it. On the 11th, Mercury will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys; it will then turn around and go direct on the 18th; and then it will square Chiron again on the 27th. This is lighting up your house of expansion/long-distance travel, publishing/broadcasting, higher education, and spirituality, pointing to wounds you have in any of these areas.
For example, maybe you have a fear of being seen in the world (expansion), maybe academia has intimidated you or made you feel not good enough, or maybe religion wounded you at some point. This transit is asking you to look at the thought patterns, beliefs, or conversations (Mercury’s realms) that have wounded you in these areas, or ways that these areas wounded your beliefs or thought patterns. Now is the time to look back on these experiences through a lens of healing and repair.
New opportunities will rise
On the 2nd, your planetary ruler, Venus, moves into your house of career. This is excellent! Venus oversees creativity and wealth, so aligning these areas so that your career is more creative and brings in a better income is part of this month’s theme for you. You may also look at what relationships you’re creating in your career—this will be especially important now. Venus will move into Pisces on the 26th, so make moves while it’s bringing love to this sector of your chart.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Cancer Full Moon lights up your house of communication, publishing/broadcasting, neighbors, and siblings. Venus will still be conjunct Pluto, so conversations that ignite intense feelings may arise, and defensiveness or wounds may surface in any of these areas, as Chiron will square the Sun and Moon. But overall, Venus is receiving lovely aspects, one from Jupiter and one from Mars, bringing helpful action, luck, wealth, affection, and beauty to these parts of your life. Emotional surprises, risks, or changes could be at hand as well, since Uranus will reach out and make a beautiful connection to the Moon.
Mercury is a powerful planet in this astrology, and is also the ruler of this house, so pay attention to the conversations or thoughts (especially with people from your past or surrounding past events), as these should prove beneficial. Mercury also oversees the areas of publishing and broadcasting, so look for opportunities here. Overall, this astrology is prime for setting plans in motion that create long-term success; the trick is to work carefully with the sensitivities that arrive so that you don’t stand in your own way. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New challenges will rise
On the 12th, Mars will finally turn around and go direct after its retrograde journey through Gemini that started back on October 30th. This will happen in your house of income, luxury/wealth, personal values, and self-worth. You’ve likely experienced setbacks, challenges, loss, or some kind of deep change in this area of your life in the last couple months. The important thing to keep in mind is that those obstacles held incredibly important lessons for you. You’ll now be able to take what you learned and move forward with greater ease and flow as Mars slowly but surely picks up speed.
Venus takes control on the 26th
On the 26th, Venus, your planetary ruler, moves into your house of friends, communities, and aspirations for the future, bringing affection, wealth, and creativity. Have these themes top of mind as we move into February so you can make the most of this astrology.
Positive energy and success
Your career gets a major boost on the 24th when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the career sector of your chart, bringing luck, abundance, and an ability to expand. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you take action on your career goals. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Circle the 29th as one of the best days for taking meetings.
6. GEMINI January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
We jump into January with Mercury retrograde already moving full steam ahead (it started on December 29th, so you may have felt it on NYE or just before). This is especially powerful for you, as Mercury is your planetary ruler. On the 11th, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and words, will square Chiron, ruler of wounds and healing journeys; on the 18th, it will turn around and go direct on the 18th; and on the 27th, it will square Chiron again in its forward motion. This will happen in your house of death/rebirth, sexuality, and shared financial resources (inheritances, loans, etc.).
Mercury retrograde working with Chiron is asking you to look into your past to identify thought patterns and beliefs that have caused you harm, especially in your emotional losses (breakups, deaths, etc.), sexual experiences, and interactions with other people’s money. This is the time to replace the old thought patterns with new, healthier ones.
A full moon on the 6th
A Cancer Full Moon on the 6th lights up your house of income, luxury, self-worth, and personal values. Venus is the ruler of this house, and will be conjunct Pluto, which could look a couple different ways. One, you may experience a powerful increase of wealth, as Pluto is the most powerful planet in the zodiac. But another way this might look is being asked to look at whatever shadow elements stand in your way of feeling worthy of receiving. Pluto sends us into the dark realm so that we can transform and become more powerful, so if an experience like this emerges, welcome the lessons—especially because Chiron will square the Sun and Moon, bringing up wounds and healing opportunities.
Venus is also receiving a beautiful beam from Jupiter and another from Mars, indicating luck, abundance, beauty, and yes, wealth. Uranus will connect with the Moon, bringing surprises, breakthroughs, or emotional changes, and these may come through conversations, since Mercury in retrograde will be sitting directly next to the Sun. Keep an eye out for emails, calls, or meetings around this day, (especially with people from your past or surrounding past events/projects) as they will likely prove important and helpful! Overall, this astrology is excellent for setting yourself up for long-term success; the trick is to work carefully with the sensitivities that arise so that you don’t stand in your own way by becoming defensive. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
A time for reflecton
On the 12th, Mars, who has been retrograde in your sign since October 30th, will now finally turn around and go direct. This has been impacting your house of the self: your identity, healthy ego, and public image. What lessons have you learned about who you are or how you appear to others since October? What do you now know you need to cultivate (or let go of) in order to thrive as an individual? Alternatively, you may have seen something about yourself that you didn’t realize was there until this transit. Now that Mars is moving forward at an increasingly faster rate, you’ll be able to take those critical lessons and insights with you into the future and apply them as needed.
Positive energy and success
Do you have publishing/broadcasting projects? Are you involved in higher education or spirituality? Are you looking to travel long distances or meet with international companies/people? You will get a cosmic boost in all these areas on the 24th, Gemini, when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in that sector of your chart, bringing luck, abundance, and an ability to expand. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you take action and go after what you want in these areas. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Star the 29th as one of the best days for meetings and important conversations.
7. CANCER January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
We start January off in the thick of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (which started on December 29th, so if you felt off on NYE, now you know why). While making this backward trek, Mercury, planet of thoughts and words, will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys, on the 11th, turn around and go direct on the 18th, and then square Chiron again on the 27th.
For you, this will stir up your house of partnerships (spouses, best friends, business partners, therapists—all one-on-one relationships). What beliefs or thought patterns from your wounded past have prevented you from having the kinds of partnerships you want? What conversations about the past need to happen between you and any of your partners to help you heal, move on, or both? January is your month to address this so that you can show up in healthier ways with the people who matter most going forward.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Full Moon in Cancer will light up your house of healthy ego, identity, and public image. This is the energy that establishes your sense of self. Venus will be conjunct Pluto, bringing issues of love and worth to the forefront. What transformations are you experiencing in these areas of your life? What are you shedding and calling in? Chiron will square the Sun and Moon during this lunation, so you may be called on to face wounds dead-on in order to address their healing.
The good news is that Venus will also receive beautiful beams from Mars and Jupiter, indicating that you can move forward now in the name of love and self-love—and you may even have luck in the process since Jupiter is so prominent. Meanwhile, Uranus will reach out to the Moon to bring nice surprises or emotional shifts, so the unexpected may arise.
Mercury gets involved
But most central to this Moon is Mercury, who, still retrograde, will sit directly next to the Sun, encouraging open conversations and/or powerful thoughts around your identity: who you were, who you are, and who you’re becoming. Overall, this astrology is excellent for setting yourself up for long-term success; the trick is to work carefully with the sensitivities that arrive so that you don’t stand in your own way with defensiveness or denial. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New challenges will rise
On the 12th, Mars will finally turn around and go direct in your house of mental health, the subconscious, hidden things, and hospitals/prisons, after turning retrograde on October 30th. You may have had issues or delays that involved hospitals or prisons since October, but more likely, you’ve experienced loss, deep change, or massive perspective shifts that have impacted your mental health or alerted you to aspects of your subconscious that you were previously unaware of (hidden fears, needs, or resentments, for example).
This retrograde process was particularly challenging, but it happened in order to teach you something critical about yourself. As Mars turns around and goes direct, you can now move forward and take action more easily—this time, with that important insight there to help you.
Positive energy and success
What big change are you ready to see happen in your life? On the 24th, Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the sector of your chart that oversees deep transformation, bringing luck, abundance, and an ability to expand in this area. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you take action and go after the profound changes you long for. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. A beautiful way to end the month.
8. LEO January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
This month is bringing lots of healing opportunities, Leo, but it isn’t for the faint of heart. We jump into January with Mercury retrograde already moving full steam ahead (it started on December 29th, so you may have felt it on NYE or just before). On the 11th, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and words, will square Chiron, ruler of wounds and healing journeys; on the 18th it will turn around and go direct; and then on the 27th, it will square Chiron again in its forward motion. This all happens in your house of daily work/chores, health, pets, and things you do in service to others.
Do your thoughts negatively impact your health? Does something about your work life feel wounding? Do you believe you’re beholden to someone or something in a way that makes you feel trapped? Are you wounded about an incident with a pet? Now is the time to review past wounds in these areas, understand how your thought patterns were impacted, and course-correct to healthier belief systems.
A full moon on the 6th
A Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th is lighting up your house of mental health, secrets, and prisons/hospitals. Venus will be conjunct Pluto, so you may learn a secret about a loved one or hear that someone close needs surgery or hospitalization. But on a transformative level, this indicates that you may be asked to examine the changes or losses you’ve experienced in love or money, or that the heartache of these losses may be triggered so they can be more fully grieved and released.
Chiron will square the Sun and Moon during this lunation, bringing wounds from the subconscious into your consciousness so that they can be addressed and healed, which, though rarely a party, is deep, powerful work that will absolutely help you create the life you genuinely want.
Mars and Jupiter interfere
The good news is that both Mars and Jupiter will reach out to Venus with beautiful connections, showering you with emotional generosity, luck, personal expansion, wealth, and an ability to move forward in matters of the heart. Uranus will also lend a hand with a lovely connection to the Moon, facilitating pleasant surprises or emotional shifts. But maybe most importantly, Mercury (in retrograde) will sit just beside the Sun, calling attention to your self-talk.
This lunation is the time to become aware of how self-talk has looked for you in the past, and to release these wounded beliefs once and for all, because the astrology is excellent for setting yourself up for long-term success. The trick is to work carefully with the sensitivities that arrive so that you don’t stand in your own way with defensiveness. Be aware of these energies just before the 6th, and for the two weeks following.
New challenges will rise
What huge shifts have you seen in your friend groups, the communities you belong to, or your hopes and dreams since the end of October? Mars retrograde kicked off on October 30th, bringing delays, deep shifts, or loss to the house that rules these areas of your life, Leo. But on the 12th of this month, this story can finally find its final chapters as Mars turns around and goes direct.
Mars is the planet that allows us to take action. Slowly but surely, you will be able to do this within your networks and with your ability to turn dreams into a reality. Only now, you will have the benefit of having learned whatever lessons you gleaned during the retrograde phase. These treasures of insight will prove deeply beneficial to you, so while you may still be licking your wounds as Mars makes this about-face, remember that these teachings are priceless and meant to help you as you move forward.
Positive energy and success
The month ends with beautiful potential for you to partner in some way. On the 24th, Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the sector of your chart that oversees partnership (romantic and business partners, best friends, therapists—any one-on-one relationship), bringing good fortune, abundance, and an ability to expand in this area. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you take action and go for what you want in this area of your life. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. A beautiful way to move into February.
9. VIRGO January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Mercury retrograde started on December 29th, and so by the 1st, we’re already in the thick of it. On the 11th, Mercury, planet of thoughts and communication, will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys; on the 18th, it will turn around and go direct; and then on the 27th, it will square Chiron again. This is lighting up your house of romance/sex, pleasure ventures (trips, etc.), children, and self-expression.
Wounds from a past romance may come up to be examined, arguments with your children may strike (or your inner child’s wounds may resurface), or you may find that self-limiting beliefs prevent you from truly expressing yourself. The goal here is to look at what healing conversations need to happen, and what thought patterns from your past are now causing discord in these areas of your life so you can let them go in exchange for healthier beliefs.
A full moon on the 6th
The Cancer Full Moon on the 6th is bringing attention to your house of friendships, groups, and goals/aspirations. Venus will be conjunct Pluto, so intimacy with friends or in a group you belong to may arise, although endings and loss are also a possibility with Pluto so prominent. If you have goals or dreams related to love, creativity, or money (Venus’ realms), you may find that this moon is very powerful for you in realizing those or transforming them in some way, as Pluto carries very intense energies, for better or worse.
Chiron will square the Sun and Moon during this lunation, suggesting that we may have to confront hard, painful truths in order to heal them. As daunting as that may sound, Mars and Jupiter will send beautiful beams to Venus, bringing emotional connection, abundance, good fortune, and an ability to act on emotional motivations. Uranus will be in good aspect to the Moon as well, creating the opportunity for helpful surprises or emotional changes.
Mercury has the biggest impact
But the planet that will pull the most focus during this Moon is Mercury, who, while still in retrograde, will sit directly next to the Sun, calling attention to important conversations, ideas, and thought patterns, especially surrounding people/events from the past. What discussions with friends need to happen now and what ideas are you nurturing to see your dreams become reality? What thought patterns have stood between you and your goals? Full Moons help us release, and this one is excellently aligned for long-term success if you’re using its gifts correctly by being honest with yourself and vulnerably brave in your actions. Have this in mind on the days leading up to the 6th and the two weeks that follow.
New challenges will rise
What’s been going on for you career-wise since October, Virgo? On October 30th, Mars retrograde officially kicked off in your career sector, bringing setbacks, deep shifts, or even loss for you in this area of your life. But on the 12th of this month, the planet of action, competition, and energy will finally about-face and go direct. You may still feel sensitive about the challenges you’ve faced in your career in the last couple of months, but it’s important to remember that vital information was revealed to you in this process—information you were likely blind to beforehand. You can now take those powerful insights and lessons into your future as Mars gains momentum in your career sector and allows you to do the same.
Positive energy and success
We close out the month with gorgeous astrology. On the 24th, Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the sector of your chart that oversees your health, work, pets, and daily routines, bringing good fortune, abundance, and an ability to expand in this area. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, spurring your ambition to create the kind of daily life, health, and work situation you really want. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. If you’re looking for a good day to take meetings or pitch ideas, circle the 29th!
10. LIBRA January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Mercury retrograde is already in full swing by the time January kicks off (it started on December 29th, so you may have felt it on NYE or before). On the 11th, Mercury will square Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys; on the 18th, it will turn around and go direct; and then on the 27th, it will square Chiron in its direct motion. This whole journey is pointing to conversations and thoughts processes that help us heal deep wounds from the past.
For you, this is happening in your house of home and family. What wounded beliefs did you create as a child that are now ready to be let go? What conversations with family members or in your home need to happen for healing to occur? This transit is ripe and ready for this kind of work.
Positive energy
On the 2nd, Venus, your planetary ruler, moves into Aquarius and your house of fun, self-expression, romance, and creativity. Venus rules loving connections, romance, and creativity as well, so this is a beautiful duo. Lean into these themes this month, as you will only have this energy in your corner till the 26th. If you’ve been thinking of taking a fun trip or getting on a dating app, this is a great time for it.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Full Moon in Cancer is lighting up your house of career. Venus will be conjunct Pluto, creating an opening for powerful creative and financial opportunities, but also creating the possibility of emotional loss or transformation. Chiron will square the Sun and Moon during this lunation, suggesting that we may have to confront hard, painful truths in order to heal them, (which sounds scary, but the truth is that we need these moments of clarity so that we can apply whatever salve is necessary and ensure that these wounds don’t block us from success going forward).
There’s also really beautiful astrology, like Mars and Jupiter sending gorgeous beams to Venus, bolstering our sense of affection, joy, luck, creativity, and wealth, and enabling us to move forward easily. Uranus will also send a lovely beam to the Moon, so we may be pleasantly surprised by whatever this astrology brings, or even feel an emotional shift.
Mercury has the biggest impact
But the planet that will occupy the spotlight most during this transit is Mercury (in retrograde), who will sit directly beside the Sun. There are important conversations, significant ideas, or critical thought patterns that require your attention now, especially surrounding people or events from your past. The astrology of this Full Moon is configured to create long-term success from the steps we take now, but we must take right action (authentic, brave, and purposeful). Keep an eye out for opportunities here in the days before the 6th and the two weeks that follow it.
New challenges will rise
On the 12th, Mars finally does an about face and goes direct after being retrograde in your house of publishing/broadcasting, higher education, spirituality, and long-distance travel since October 30th. You’ve likely experienced setbacks, deep change, or potentially even loss in one or more of these areas. Whatever challenges or shifts you’ve experienced, it’s time now to take the lessons you learned and move forward. You won’t feel the change in momentum right away, but slowly but surely, you’ll be able to make strides faster and this area of your life once the 12th has come and gone.
Positive energy and success
On the 26th, Venus enters Pisces, and your house of work, health, pets, and daily routines. Venus brings affection, wealth, creativity, and rules the heart. As we move into February, you can now focus on increasing your income at work, establishing an affectionate relationship with pets, meeting a romantic interest at the office, or boosting your heart health.
Positive energy
On the 24th, you’ll get beautiful astrology when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the sector of your chart that oversees romance, fun, children, and creative self-expression, bringing good fortune, abundance, and an ability to expand in this area. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, amping lust and creating an ability take action in this sector of your life. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Vacations, sexual rendezvous, creative projects, and time with children are all on the docket for you as we move into February.
11. SCORPIO January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
This month gets off to a bit of bumpy start with Mercury retrograde in full effect in Capricorn. It started on December 29th, so you may have felt it its presence on NYE, and by the time we roll into January, its themes will be well underway. For you, this is an opportunity to look back at past events with siblings or neighbors, or in conversations that didn’t end as you’d hope, to see what beliefs or thought patterns were created that can now be amended.
On the 11th, Mercury retrograde will square Chiron, the planet of wounds and healing; on the 18th, it will turn around and go direct; and then on the 27th, it will square Chiron again, giving you opportunities to think and talk about what wounds have impacted you in these areas so that you can heal, let go of self-limiting beliefs, and move forward.
A full moon on the 6th
A Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th will light up your house of publishing/broadcasting, higher education, long-distance travel, and spirituality. This is a complex house that essentially oversees your personal expansion and ability to grow into the world at large. It’s fitting, then, that this Moon’s astrology is also complex. Venus will be conjunct Pluto, creating powerful creative and emotional opportunities, although loss is also a possibility with this astrology.
Chiron will stir things up with a square to both the Sun and Moon, suggesting that we may have to feel and confront painful wounds in order to help them heal. And while that may be daunting, Mars and Jupiter will both make beautiful connections to Venus, bringing luck, wealth, creativity, affection, opportunities to expand, and an ability to make helpful moves. Uranus will also be highly involved, facilitating quick change, suprises, or breakthroughs.
Mercury’s impact this month
But the planet that is most spotlit during this lunation is Mercury, who, as it retrogrades deeper into Capricorn, will be sitting alongside the Sun on this day. Conversations with people from, or surrounding the events of, your past could play a big role in this lunation, as will whatever self-talk you have surrounding your ability to grow into the life you want. Look deeply into how your past has impacted that self-talk. The astrology of this Full Moon is configured to create long-term success from the steps we take now, but we must take right action (authentic, brave, and purposeful). Keep an eye out for opportunities to do just that in the days before the 6th and the two weeks that follow it.
New challenges will rise
Have you experienced some kind of loss since October, Scorpio? On October 30th, Mars went retrograde in your house of deep transformation, loss, and death/rebirth, and will now finally go direct on the 12th of this month. This has likely been a deeply challenging time for you in which you’ve had to learn to let go, release, and shed. Mars gives us the ability to act and move forward, and you will now be able to do that faster and with greater ease, especially by March. But for now, it’s time to appreciate the lessons you learned during this retrograde, however difficult they might have been, so that you can incorporate them into your life going forward.
Positive energy and success
You’ll receive a lovely helping hand from the Cosmos on the 24th when Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the sector of your chart that oversees home and family, bringing you good fortune, abundance, and an ability to expand in this area (for example, if you’re looking for a new house or roommate, if you’re trying to conceive, or if you’re looking to create positive energy with your family). Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you take action on whatever it is you want in this area of life. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. A gorgeous way to move into February.
12. SAGITTARIUS January 2023 Monthly Horoscope
We start January off in the thick of Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn (which kicked off on December 29th, so you may have felt it around NYE). While in her backward motion, Mercury will square Chiron on the 11th, go direct on the 18th, and then square Chiron again on the 27th. This will all happen in your house of income, wealth, and self-worth. Of course, financial mix-ups are possible now, so be sure to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s with contracts and payments.
But with Chiron, planet of wounds and healing journeys, conversations or thought processes about the traumas that impacted your relationship to feeling worthy of receiving and worthy of abundance are likely coming up to help you heal. Use this Mercury Retrograde to repair your thought patterns and beliefs in this area.
A full moon on the 6th
On the 6th, a Full Moon in Cancer will light up your house of shared financial resources (joint accounts, loans, etc.), loss, and sexuality. Venus will still be conjunct Pluto, bringing in huge themes around financial transformation, love lost, and the intersection of sexuality and emotional attachment. Chiron will send a square to both the Sun and Moon, suggesting that we may have to feel and confront painful wounds in order to heal them during this transit (and of course, since Cancer is so sensitive, this may feel intense).
But don’t be daunted, Sagittarius; Mars and Jupiter will both make beautiful connections to Venus, bringing luck, wealth, creativity, affection, and an ability to take helpful action. Uranus also gets involved with a beautiful trine to the Sun, helping you make quick change, bringing pleasant surprises, or facilitating breakthroughs.
Mercury’s impact this month
The planet that will take most of the spotlight during this lunation, however, is Mercury, who, in its retrograde cycle, will sit just next to the Sun. Conversations with people from or surrounding the events of your past could play a big role in this lunation, as will whatever self-talk you have surrounding your ability to grow your finances, have healthy sexual attachments, and/or endure the death and rebirth process we must all experience in matters of the heart. The astrology of this Full Moon is set up to create long-term success from the steps we take now, but we must take right action (authentic, brave, and purposeful). Keep an eye out for opportunities to do just that in the days before the 6th and the two weeks that follow it.
New challenges will rise
What changes have you experienced with one-on-one relationships (romantic partners, business partners, best friends, therapists, etc.) since October, Sagittarius? On October 30th, Mars went retrograde in this sector of your chart, bringing loss, setbacks, realizations about the past, and/or deep change to this area of your life. While this process may have proved painful or challenging, it happened in order to get you to see something you wouldn’t have seen otherwise—something critical to your growth. Now that Mars is moving forward and you’ll be able to take action in partnerships with greater speed and ease, it’s imperative you incorporate the lessons you learned during this retrograde phase. They are there to help you.
Positive energy and success
On the 24th, Jupiter sextiles the Sun in the area of your chart that oversees communication and communication projects (writing/broadcasting), siblings, and neighbors, bringing you luck, abundance, and an ability to expand in these areas. Then on the 29th, Mars, now fully direct, trines the Sun in the same house, helping you make ambitious, goal-meeting moves in these areas. Also on the 29th, Mercury will trine Uranus, making this an excellent day for unexpected good news and breakthrough ideas. Circle this day as one of the best of the month!
January 2023 Monthly Horoscope for every sign of the zodiac
That’s what an expert astrologer has to say about the monthly horoscope and what to expect in January 2023 for every sign of the zodiac. Whatever is on the way, we wish you a good, healthy, happy and safe month ahead, dear reader.