New month, new opportunities! What are the predictions for the month of June 2022 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into March, look to the stars and see how to win the month with surprising insights. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her June 2022 monthly horoscopes and guides for life and love.
expert astrologer shares June 2022 Monthly life and love Horoscope for every zodiac sign
What does the month of May 2022 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer.
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Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her June 2022 horoscopes.
June 2022 Horoscope and Love Guide for Every Zodiac Sign
1. GEMINI What to expect in June 2022 Monthly Horoscope
With May’s eclipses in the rearview, your birthday month is already feeling more grounded, Gemini. Plus, on the 3rd your ruling planet, Mercury, goes direct. Though you might still feel the effects of Mercury retrograde for another two weeks, any major upsets it brought will now start to settle. And you can plant your feet firmly on the ground again.
mark June 11
Mark the 11th on your cal; on this day Venus, planet of feminine energy, creativity, money, and relationships will conjunct Uranus. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, freedom, progressive views, surprises, and invention. This conjunction takes place once a year and will be happening in your house of mental health, secrets, and spirituality. You may be coming to terms with relationships that feel too restrictive (to you or someone else). Or perhaps revealed secrets will provide new sources of money or shed light on money you’ve lost.
On the 13th, communicative Mercury enters Gemini and passes you the mic. Your thoughts and words are front and center now, and you’ll have the benefit of Mercury’s witty brainpower. If you have any publishing, broadcasting, or PR projects, they should see a boost during this transit.
full moon on the 14th
On the 14th, a full moon in Sagittarius will highlight a partnership and beautiful career opportunity. Pluto will be supportive, making this a powerful connection. If it feels like dreams are coming true, they absolutely have the capacity to. Just remember that anything that feels too good to be true should be regarded with caution and scrutiny.
Be careful on the 16th when Neptune squares the Sun in Gemini on the same day that Saturn trines it. This could bring about events that misrepresent you as a professional, and with Saturn involved, the effects might be long lasting. Lay low in the days surrounding this transit and avoid public appearances or taking the helm during meetings. On the 22nd, affectionate Venus enters your sign, bringing its gifts of love, wealth, and beauty.
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2. CANCER What to expect in June 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Not only is the rocky road of eclipse season behind us, but on the 3rd, Mercury goes direct in your house of friends, communities, the internet, and aspirations. Maybe a Mercury retrograde rift with friends or in a community you belong to has resulted in you finding a group that aligns better with your values. Or maybe you were presented with a choice between doing what you love and doing what’s safe. Whatever upset you experienced, it was not meant to destabilize you but to offer the opportunity to course correct.
creative surge on June 11
On the 11th, Venus conjuncts Uranus in the same house where Mercury retrograde unearthed new findings for you. Venus embodies feminine energy, wealth, beauty, creativity, and relationships. Uranus oversees rebellion, freedom, progressive views, surprises, and invention. If you’ve been holding on to a creative aspiration in your life, you could see a sudden idea or breakthrough that helps push it along to the next level. Another possibility is that a friend suddenly needs a break from the friendship. This would not be a good time for beauty procedures, as Uranus can have a destabilizing or shocking effect.
On the 21st, the Sun enters Cancer, putting you in the spotlight, and on the 28th, a new moon in Cancer makes a powerful connection to Jupiter. Feelings may be heightened now, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just make sure the excitement is balanced with a grounding night in, and you’ll make this energy work for you.

Our expert astrologer shares predictions on what to expect in love and life with monthly horoscope guide for every zodiac sign for June 2022.
3. LEO What to expect in June 2022 Monthly Horoscope
We can say goodbye to Mercury retrograde on the 3rd when it stations direct in your house of career. You’ve probably seen some upsets in your professional sphere since last month, but as Mercury forges a path forward, you’ll have an opportunity to reconsider what truly works and what doesn’t.
it gets exciting on June 11
On the 11th, your career gets more excitement when Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. Venus oversees feminine energy, creativity, wealth, beauty, and relationships. And Uranus embodies progressive views, innovation, rebellion, and freedom. Creative innovation is heightened now, so pitch ideas that are outside the box. You might also have a surprise around income or find that a business partner wants freedom in the relationship (or maybe you’re that partner).
full moon on the 14th
On the 14th, a Full Moon in Sagittarius is bringing change to your higher aspirations. Whether you aspire to have children, pursue work you’re passionate about, fall in love, or travel, this moon appears to be enacting deep changes—potentially within you—that will allow you to move forward. A note: You may have to give something up to get what you want here. But if that something is your personal insecurities or fear, it would be well worth it.
On the 16th, the Sun, your planetary ruler, gets a trine from Saturn and a square from Neptune. Things aren’t what they seem, and making a wrong move could have long lasting consequences. Move forward with caution and vet all your options.
4. VIRGO What to expect in June 2022 Monthly Horoscope
Your planetary ruler, Mercury, was retrograde most of last month. But on the 3rd, it finds its footing and stations direct in your house of international affairs, higher education, and publishing & broadcasting. Whatever upsets these areas might have experienced during Mercury’s backward trek will find resolution now, or at the very least, the benefit of a clearer perspective.
secrets are revealed on the 10th
On the 10th, Mercury receives a lovely beam from Pluto, keeper of secrets and guardian of the underworld. Whatever messages come through on this day, they won’t be fluff—prepare to go deep.
On the 11th, the house Mercury retrograde combed will get a bolt of energy from the Venus/Uranus conjunction. Venus oversees feminine energy, relationships, beauty, wealth, and creativity, while Uranus governs progressive views, freedom, rebellion, and innovation. A relationship with someone from overseas or from a different culture may feel unstable as one of you struggles to find autonomy within the connection. A creative publishing or broadcasting project may get a bolt of innovative energy or experience a breakthrough.
not a good time for beauty procedures
One word of caution—this wouldn’t be a good time to have any beauty procedures done (especially if you get them done overseas or if your doctor is from another country). Better to wait till next month when Venus has wandered away from unpredictable Uranus.
June 13 is a good time to talk
On the 13th, Mercury enters your house of career, energizing your communication skills at work. And on the 14th, a full moon in Sagittarius highlights an issue between career and family. A partnership—whether with a spouse or business partner—is integral here. The key is to create a connection rooted in your highest ideals, but not to the point that you’re overpromising what you can give. Be generous, but above all, be honest.
5. LIBRA What to expect in June 2022 Monthly Horoscope
On June 3rd, Mercury will end its retrograde phase and station direct in your house of deep internal transformations, other people’s money (taxes, inheritances, etc.), and sexuality. Any of these areas might have been up for review in your life in the last few weeks. Or maybe you experienced confusion in one of these arenas. Whatever the case, you’ll now be able to move forward with better grounding and clarity.
new energy on the 11th
On the 11th, this same house will receive a bolt of energy when Venus, your planetary ruler, and Uranus join forces there. You may suddenly realize that you have real feelings for someone you’ve had a sexual relationship with. Or maybe you learn surprising, potentially destabilizing news about an inheritance or loan. You might even have sudden breakthroughs in learning how to love others.
full moon on the 14th
The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 14th will have a powerful effect on your partnerships or on how you think about partnering. On this day, Mars will exactly conjunct Chiron, and together they will widely conjunct Jupiter—all in your house of marriage and partnerships. Mars rules the masculine. And Chiron oversees wounds and healing journeys. If you feel wounded in your partnerships with men or masculine folks, those wounds may be triggered. On the other hand, you may experience tremendous healing around these wounds close to this day. Jupiter has an amplifying effect, but is also a benevolent healer. It will help you navigate these sensitive waters.
barriers rise on the 18th
On the 18th, you come up against barriers when Saturn squares Venus. This isn’t a good time to apply for anything, ask for support, or team up with a system (health care, for example, or a corporation of any kind). The good news is that on the 19th, Venus receives a loving beam from Neptune, bringing a soothing balm and helping you relax and heal.
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6. SCORPIO June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
After weeks of Mercury retrograde drama, you can finally feel more stable. This is when the planet of communication stations direct on June 3rd in your house of partnerships (spouses, best friends, business partners, etc.). You’ve likely experienced some confusion in this area of your life, or maybe you’ve reconnected with a partner from your past.
move ahead starting on the 4th
Whatever the case, after the 3rd, you’ll be able to take steps forward that feel more grounded and rooted in what’s true for you in your search to team up with the right people. That search for new partnership or to deepen your current partnerships could make headway on the 10th when Mercury trines your planetary ruler, Pluto. Deep, vulnerable conversations may emerge around this day—lower your defenses, Scorpio.
full moon on the 14th
More conversations around partnership emerge on the 14th when a Sagittarius Full Moon coincides with three major players—the North Node, Venus, and Uranus. Lighting up your house of partnerships—the same house Mercury has been trekking through. While the Moon lights up your house of self-worth, wealth, and physical touch, your house of partnerships will be fueled by shocks or breakthroughs, courtesy of Uranus. Venus, overseer of affection and relationships, will bring your closest connections and/or romantic partners into the equation. And the North Node will help you make steady progress toward a goal.
Overall, this month appears to be asking you to move forward with those you want on your team, but to do so will require that you surrender to vulnerability. Accept the challenge.
7. SAGITTARIUS June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
Mercury’s backward trek has landed it in your house of health, work, pets, and daily routines. Where you’ve likely experienced some confusion or blasts from the past emerging to be reexamined. However it’s manifested for you, on the 3rd, Mercury will station direct, helping to ground you in these areas. Take the information you learned during the retrograde phase and use it to help you move forward.
unexpected developments on June 11
On the 11th, Venus and Taurus team up in this same house. Uranus ushers in surprises or breakthroughs, and Venus oversees relationships, beauty, wealth, creativity, and femme folks. You might have a job come in unexpectedly that brings a surge of income, or a health issue might destabilize your income. This is not a good time to try new beauty routines or to get hair cuts, botox, injections, or plastic surgery—unpredictable Uranus makes it too risky.
full moon merger
Just a few days later, a Sagittarius Full Moon brings up an issue between who you are as an individual and who you are in partnership. How do the two merge? This moon is linked up to Neptune, who’s been residing in your house of home and family. On a good day, Neptune is a healer who makes dreams come true. On a not-so-good day, Neptune deceives us with tall tales that are too good to be true. You’ve come a long way in your journey, Sagittarius, and you’re better able than you ever have been to look beyond your optimism and decipher what’s real and what isn’t.
As this moon invites you to think about your ideal home and family, and what kind of partnerships (platonic, romantic, professional, or otherwise) will help you get there, draw on your gut instinct to guide your way.

Our expert astrologer shares predictions on what to expect in love and life with monthly horoscope guide for every zodiac sign for June 2022.
8. CAPRICORN June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
Mercury retrograde rolled into your house of creativity, children, true love, and pleasure toward the end of May, creating confusion or causing people/projects from your past to resurface.
On the 3rd, Mercury will station direct, and whatever felt unstable will now gain its footing.
introspection is important starting June 4
Just one day later, on the 4th, your planetary ruler, Saturn, will station retrograde in your house of personal values, wealth, and physical affection until October 23rd. Use this retrograde period to look deeply at these areas and see if you want to course-correct.
On the 11th, Venus and Uranus team up in the same house Mercury visited, bringing a surge of energy to your creativity, children, true love, or pleasure ventures (like vacations or road trips). Venus is affectionate and creative, and Uranus oversees shocks and breakthroughs. With this duo at work, you might have a sudden breakthrough in a passion project, learn something shocking in a romantic relationship, or be surprised in your relationship with your children.
new moon promise on the 28th
On the 28th, a New Moon in Cancer is lighting up your house of partnerships—romantic, professional, platonic, etc. With Jupiter making a connection to this moon, feelings will be big as you navigate who you want on your team—maybe even too big. Balance that headiness with the sound judgment you’re known for, and this could be the beginning of something great.
9. AQUARIUS June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
Mercury retrograde spent the latter part of May stirring up dust in your home and family sector. This might have looked like physical problems with your home, misunderstandings with family members or roommates, difficult conversations about your childhood, or even opportunities to redefine what home means to you.
On the 3rd Mercury stations retrograde, paving the way to move forward with the information you gleaned during the retrograde phase.
soul searching starting June 4
On the 4th, Saturn, one of your planetary rulers, enters its four-month retrograde period in your house of ego, image, and identity. This is a time to get a better understanding of who you are versus who you project to the outside world. Is your ego in the way? Are you aligning with someone else’s version of who you should be? Because it is square to the North Node in Taurus, this retrograde will ask you to change old beliefs that have been getting you nowhere. It’s a process that requires humility and a willingness to tune into places where you’ve hardened yourself or detached emotionally.
On the 11th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in your house of home and family, bringing a surge of energy here. A woman or femme person may suddenly become part of your home life or decide to leave the home, you might be surprised when you gain or lose money through your home or real estate, or you might have a stroke of genius in how to decorate your home.
sunlight on the 16th
On the 16th, the Sun makes a lovely connection to Saturn, helping you thrive and feel seen. Take meetings on this day if possible.
On the 18th, Venus and Saturn butt heads, causing issues with relationships, money, and beauty projects (including haircuts, botox/injections, and plastic surgery). Plan ahead by laying low on this day, and should the drama come to you, give it a couple days before responding.
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10. PISCES June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
Toward the end of May, Mercury retrograde backed up into your house of communication, publishing & broadcasting, siblings, and very close friend groups, bringing misunderstandings, delays, and people or projects from your past.
On the 3rd, Mercury will station direction, and you will be able to plant your feet on solid ground with the new information you learned. If ways to course-correct were revealed, you can begin that process now.
On the 11th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in this same house. Shocking news about or conversations with a sister or close femme friend might come up around this day, or surprises around a creative publishing or broadcasting project might arise. Vocalizing progressive or nontraditional views would be favored on this day, but because of Uranus’ destabilizing quality, this isn’t a good day to gossip—it may come back to haunt you.
During the Full Moon on the 14th, your planetary ruler, Neptune, joins up with the Sun and Moon, highlighting your houses of ego & identity, home & family, and career. An issue that connects these areas of your life will rise to the surface, and it appears a message of some kind will push this issue to the next level.
On the 28th, Neptune is in the limelight again when it begins its retrograde through Pisces, which will continue until December 3rd. During this transit, it will sextile the North Node—connecting your ego, public image, and personal identity with your destiny. As Neptune goes back to review what it missed the first time, you will be able to make headway in some of your key life goals, but more importantly, your purpose.
11. ARIES June 2022 Monthly Life and Love Horoscope
Your planetary ruler, Mars, is transiting your sign all month long, giving you extra vitality and ambition. This is excellent! But do use this power wisely—Mars also rules aggression and combat, and you are not always averse to these things. Should you feel emotionally worked up this month, take deep breaths before doing anything you may regret.
Toward the end of May, Mercury retrograde slipped into your house of personal values, wealth, and physical touch, where it likely caused delays and mix ups, or even resurrected people and projects from your past. Though it might have felt destabilizing, it also afforded an opportunity to look again at what isn’t working with your income, personal standards, or physical affection and sexual relationships.
On the 3rd, Mercury stations direct, and you can now set forth making whatever changes need to be made.
energy surge on the 11th
On the 11th, Venus and Uranus join forces in this same house. Uranus brings surges of energy—some are shocks, some are breakthroughs—and with a conjunction, there’s no telling which it will be. The good news is that the North Node will be nearby, adding its forward momentum to this conjunction and helping you make headway. However it ends up looking, Aries, you can expect the unexpected with money, beauty, creative projects, or women/femme folks around this day.
new moon lights up on June 28
On the 28th, a New Moon in Cancer lights up your house of home and family. With a connection to Jupiter, this Moon will likely bring big feelings with it. Show the ones you call family just how much you care about them.
12. TAURUS What to expect in June 2022 Monthly life and love Horoscope
Mercury retrograde started out in Gemini, but by the end of May, it backtracked into your sign, bringing its mayhem to your doorstep, but also its powers to reassess and course-correct. If you discovered that your identity, ego, or public image was in any way off during this transit, you can make changes accordingly. Leave those miscommunications and delays in the rearview mirror after the 3rd when Mercury stations direct.
shocks to the system on June 11
Mercury isn’t the only planet trekking through Taurus territory this month. On the 11th, Venus, your planetary ruler, and Uranus join forces in your sign. Expect shake ups, shocks, breakthroughs, or outside-the-box solutions.
energy surge on the 16th
Just days later on the 16th, Venus teams up with the North Node, jumpstarting your energy and helping you move forward into your destiny and purpose. This is extremely powerful energy. You should make use of it by planning important pitches and meetings on this exact day if possible. I say that because you’re handed a challenge when Venus is squared by Saturn just two days later. This will bring restrictions and barriers your way. Any efforts you’ve been making, hold off with them on this day and two days following—better to wait it out and avoid the hurdles.
big news at work on the 28th
Look to the 28th for big news about your career. A New Moon in Cancer falls under your professional sector and will make a connection to larger-than-life Jupiter. You can expect big feelings around this day, Taurus, so hold tight ‘til the end of the month.
horoscope and what to expect in love and life in June 2022
That’s what our expert astrologer has to say about what to expect in love and life with her monthly horoscope for every zodiac sign for June 2022. Have a great month, dear reader.
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Remy Ramirez is an astrologer, poet, essayist, pop-culture journalist, and editor. She has served as the resident astrologer for Nasty Gal, Dolls Kill, and Stitch Fix, her poems have been featured in The Southern Review and The Miscreant, her essays in Marie Claire and Cherry Bombe Mag, and her celebrity interviews in NYLON, BUST, and Tidal (where she is currently the executive editor). She lives in Sedona, AZ because the thrifting is good and so is the karaoke.