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New month, new opportunities!  What are the predictions for the month of September 2024 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into August, look to the stars and learn how to win the month with surprising insights. Our expert astrologer shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her September 2024 monthly horoscopes.

Life and Love Monthly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign September 2024

What does the month of September 2024 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her September 2024 horoscopes.



Happy birthday, Virgo! The months starts off on a powerful note on the 1st when Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of heartfelt passions (this includes authentic self-expression, romance, creativity, and fun), where it will stay until November 19th. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit these areas of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back here if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, focus on how to clean up your expression so that it’s more aligned with who you are at your core. This is also a good time to look at the people you’re passionate about (romances, your children, etc.) and/or your relationship to creativity and fun—these may need cleaning up, resolution, or course-correction. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of the self, which oversees things like identity, independence, and image. You may take time to withdraw and renew your energy away from others. This would also be a great time to get into the spotlight a bit more and solidify your public image, or to lean into your unique talents. If you’ve been wanting to get a new look, whether through a hair change or wardrobe upgrade, make time during this window. Pitching yourself, asserting your needs, and/or using your voice to express your unique creativity are also favored now.

There is one hang up here. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you or that your closest one-on-one relationships are shutting you out. Virgo is a sign of being whole within oneself, so you may be the one wanting to shut others out, which could result in feeling isolated. The good news is that Mercury, who is both your planetary ruler and the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your career sector. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of friends, groups, and community, where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in your emotional connections and may find yourself getting closer to the people in your circle. You may also want to connect more deeply with family and chosen family, as that is Cancer’s domain. Mars also rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing your loved ones and community out during this time. There’s a difference between taking a needed break and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses— often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of partnerships (significant others, best friends, business partners, therapists, etc.), so you will likely experience a change of some kind in this area of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your partnerships sector, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about a one-on-one connection in your life, or about who you are when you’re in partnerships in general (not cut out for commitment, not emotionally available, too sensitive—these kinds of things). With Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something in this area of your life may end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules relationships as well as money. Libra also rules relationships, but in your chart, it rules the house of wealth and self-worth. There is likely an issue surrounding a partnership that you will have to make a decision about, but it could also be a money-related issue (or both—signing a pre-nup for example, or going into business with your partner). With both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—wait till you’re not flooded with emotions so you can think the issue through. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now (especially in love and money) will be very important later down the line.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of wealth and self-worth. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that bring you increased wealth, luxury, and self-esteem. If you’ve been thinking of asking for a raise, investing, or treating yourself to a luxurious treat, this is a great time to do that. Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors/coworkers, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of secrets, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may begin clandestine communications (potentially with a coworker or neighbor), discuss money issues with a sibling, or strategize how to outsmart a neighbor. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



We kick September off on a powerful note on the 1st when Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of home and family, where it will stay until November 19th. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, focus on how to bring closure or reconciliation with family members, course-correct with roommates, or review issues related to your physical home (or hometown). On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of secrets, mental health, and the subconscious. Secrets may be revealed now, or subconscious patterns you weren’t aware of may come to light so that they can be healed (for example, ways you’ve given your power away, doubted yourself, or fed yourself negative self-talk).

The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships are cold, or that health issues are forcing you to isolate or are holding you back in some way. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant wholeness within oneself (not needing the approval of others)— an energy your sign doesn’t mesh well with; Libras need companionship to thrive, so this Moon could feel extra disheartening for you at first. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your expansion, freedom, and travel sector. One possibility is that the loneliness pushes you to open up about your feelings with someone who can reciprocate, another is that health issues get bad enough that you look for a new solution and find something really impactful. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.

moonscopes April 2023


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of career and public legacy, where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in the work you’re most passionate about, and in how you impact the world at large. You may also find that this work feels very emotional for you now, or that it relates to the idea of home and family in some way, as that is Cancer’s domain (you may even start working from home now). A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing coworkers and business partners out. There’s a difference between taking a needed break and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses—often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of work, health, and acts of service (which includes pets), so you will likely experience a change of some kind in one of these areas of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your work/health/service sector, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about one of these areas of your life (where to work, what role you want at the office, which doctor or health regimen to commit to, how to be of service without being a doormat, whether to get a pet, etc.). You may also be confused about someone you know from one of these areas (an office romance, for example). But with Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something may definitively end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules relationships as well as money. Libra also rules love and partnerships, but in your chart, it rules the house of the self, so this could be an issue that finds its roots in self-love. You may leave a job that doesn’t pay you what you’re worth, invest the money to see the best doctor for a health issue, or text that crush from your volunteer activities. With both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—you can absolutely feel into it and use intuition, but avoid taking steps from a place of emotional flooding. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now will be very important later down the line.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of the self—independence, identity, and image all fall into under this house. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that bring you into the spotlight, provide alone time, help you make changes to your appearance (haircuts, elective surgery, etc.), and/or lean into your unique talents (exhibit work in an art show or poetry reading, for example). Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of wealth and self-worth, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of secrets, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may invest your money strategically now to build your wealth, or feel a deep swell of passion for your own self-love.

Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



We kick September off on a powerful note on the 1st when Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors, where it will stay until November 19th. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may want to pull back on communication a bit or revise your communication strategy. Same goes for siblings and neighbors—now might be the time to take a breather or course-correct. If you work in the communication field, you might find you don’t make as much money or have the same power you once did. (Don’t worry, it’s temporary.) On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of friends, communities, and audiences. Talking with friends, attending community events, and boosting your number of followers or audience members on any of your platforms will likely come much easier during this time.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships with friends or community members are cold, or that you’re unable to express your heart. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your sense of inner resolve and ability to start anew. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of expansion (travel, international connections, publishing/broadcasting, education, and spirituality all fall under this umbrella), where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in any and all of these areas (maybe you move forward with a publishing deal, book a big trip, or sign up for classes). You may also find that something in this arena brings up a lot of sensitivity for you, or even that it related to your family in some way (maybe you travel to your ancestral homeland, etc.), as that is Cancer’s domain. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out in your efforts to expand. There’s a difference between taking a needed break and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses—often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of heartfelt passions (authentic self-expression, romance, fun, children, creativity, etc.), so you will likely experience a sudden change of some kind in one of these areas of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your house of heartfelt passions, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about one of these areas of your life (a romantic interest, whether or not to say how you really feel about something, what to do about a creative project, an issue with your children, or a vacation). But with Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something may definitively end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination in this arena.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules love as well as money. Libra also rules love and partnerships, but in your chart, it rules the house of secrets and the subconscious. You may reveal a secret to a romantic interest, telling them how you really feel; tap into your subconscious suddenly in a spurt of creativity that takes an art project to the next level; or realize that a deeply buried subconscious belief has left you feeling like you don’t get to feel youthful and have fun. Whatever the case, with both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—you can absolutely feel into it and use intuition, but avoid taking steps from a place of emotional flooding. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now will be very important later down the line, so take a beat and a breath before jumping.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of secrets, the subconscious, and mental health. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that bring secrets to light, expose places where your subconscious is working against you (through self-defeating beliefs), or that clarify your mental health needs. Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of the self (independence, vitality, image, and identity fall under this category), where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of secrets, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may feel like hiding, taking time to be alone, or reeling in your connection with the public now. Moody updates to your look would bode well during this transit, and in general, big changes in your appearance or even in how you identify (in your work, relationships, sexuality, etc.) are possible with this astrology. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of wealth and self-worth, where it will stay until November 19th. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may want to reel in your spending or take a break on investments, etc. If a financial plan or advisor is not panning out, now is the time to course-correct. Earning power may waver now as well. This is also a good time to see if you’re showing up fully in your self-worth—what’s in the gap between where you are now and full, unabashed self-care and love? If you’re not demanding your worth, it’s time to regroup. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of career and public legacy. This house oversees the work you do because you love and believe in it, and the impact you have on the world at large. Communication about this area of your life will likely amp up now, and you may feel seen in your power through your career. If you write or speak for work, you’ll probably see an uptick in those tasks.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships are cold, or that your home environment feels isolating somehow. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into seclusion. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your partnerships sector. Best friends, significant others, and/or business partners can really show up for you now. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.

April 2023 moonscopes


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of death/rebirth processes, grief, inner strength, sexuality, and shared finances (loans, inheritances, taxes, split bills, etc.), where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in any and all of these areas. You might let go of a situation that no longer serves you, spark up a sexy connection, or apply for the loan you need.) You may also find that something in this arena brings up a lot of sensitivity for you, or even that it’s related to your family in some way (maybe you hash out an inheritance from someone in your family, and it leaves you feeling a little raw), as family is Cancer’s domain. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses—often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of home and family, so you will likely experience a sudden change of some kind in one of these areas of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your house of heartfelt passions, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about something involving your home (maybe you don’t love your house currently or don’t know where you stand with a roommate, or maybe a you have a nebulous connection to a family member due to conflicts, for example). But with Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something may definitively end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination in this arena.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules love as well as money. Libra also rules love and partnerships (roommates for example), but in your chart, it rules the house of friends, community, and audiences. You may make decision about a friend who is also a roommate, a money issue with a family member may come to a head, your relationship to your community might be impacted by a family member in some way, or you may be able to do work from home that helps you build an audience and make money. These are all just examples of how the energies might mesh. Whatever the case, with both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—you can absolutely feel into it and use intuition, but avoid taking steps from a place of emotional flooding. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now will be very important later down the line, so take a beat and a breath before jumping.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology, even if the situation feels jarring at first. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of friends, community, and audiences (should you have any platforms). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that bring you closer to your friends, celebrate within your community, and boost your connection to your audiences (even if it’s just through a popular post on social media). Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of secrets, mental health, and the subconscious, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may examine the subconscious fears or vulnerabilities you carry in relationships and money, secret love affairs or money dealings are possible, and you may find that old beliefs that negatively impact your mental health come up to be shifted and let go. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of independence, vitality, identity, and image. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may feel off or lack energy. You might also rethink your relationship to independence and identity—do you need more alone time or an opportunity to change how you identify (in your career, sexuality, relationship status, etc.)? If you’re in the public eye, your public power may waver a bit now, or you may simply not feel powerful in how you’re perceived by others. Use this information to course-correct. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of expansion, which oversees things like travel, international connections, publishing/broadcasting, education, and spirituality. Communication about these areas of your life will likely amp up now, and you may find that any of these areas make you feel seen and bolster your sense of power.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like siblings, neighbors, or coworkers are against you, relationships are cold, or that the way people talk to or about you leaves you feeling isolated. You may even feel shut out from the world in general. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into seclusion. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your work, health, and service sector. So for example, maybe you feel isolated from the world due to health issues, but a sudden improvement in your situation allows you to travel, take classes, etc. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of partnerships (significant others, best friends, business partners, therapists, etc.), where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in your closest one-on-one relationships. You may get engaged, commit to a therapist, spend lots of time with a bestie, etc.

Partnerships can also bring big emotions during this time, and you also may decide to partner up with a family member (in business for example), as family is Cancer’s domain. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing your partners out during this time. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses—often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors, so you will likely experience a sudden change of some kind in one of these areas of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your house of heartfelt passions, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about something involving communication (how to tell someone something, or whether to say it at all), siblings, or neighbors. You may also have been communicating passive aggressively about something, or even just passively, as Neptune can have this effect. But with Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something may definitively end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination and direction in this arena.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules love as well as money. Libra also rules love and partnerships, but in your chart, it rules the house of career and public legacy (how you impact the world at large). You may have a direct conversation about money with a sibling or business partner, you may write an article that goes viral and impacts your career, or you may confess feelings to a neighbor or coworker. These are all just examples of how the energies might mesh. Whatever the case, with both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—you can absolutely feel into it and use intuition, but avoid taking steps from a place of emotional flooding. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now will be very important later down the line, so take a beat and a breath before jumping.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology, even if the situation feels jarring at first. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of career and public legacy. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that assist you in doing what you love and making an impact on the world at large. You may also feel seen in your power and successful in your career during this time. Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of friends, community, and audiences, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may suddenly have deep feelings for someone from your friend group or the opposite—you may feel like you despise someone from your group and want to nix them from your life. If you have any platforms, this is a great time to strategize how to build your audience numbers. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of mental health, secrets, and the subconscious. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that telling secrets backfires or doesn’t have the impact you were hoping for. Secrets may be revealed now as well so that they can be tackled honestly. Alternatively, issues from your past may resurface now in your mental health practice, bringing up old wounds or self-limiting subconscious beliefs for you to work with. Use this information to help you and course-correct. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of death/rebirth processes, grief, inner strength, sexuality, and shared finances (loans, inheritances, taxes, split bills, etc.). You may feel ready to walk away from a situation now, or you may talk more freely about a grief process you’re healing. A sexual connection may make you feel seen and powerful, or you may be working out the details of a loan or inheritance.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like money issues have you or others putting up walls that leave you feeling isolated. You may even feel shut out from the world in general. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into seclusion. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your sector of heartfelt passions. So for example, maybe you feel isolated because of a money issue or because of a boundary you or someone else has put up, and you channel this heartache into your creative pursuits, or into a heartfelt letter you send, building a bridge between you and this other person. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.

moonscapes April 2023


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of work, health, and acts of service (this includes pets), where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas. You may find that work ramps up at the office or that your ambition pays off, that you’re able to make big headway in any health issues you’re working with, or that you spend more time volunteering or helping out in some way. You may also take charge with pets. These areas can also bring big emotions during this time, or relate to your family (you may want to be of service to a parent or grandparent, for example), as family is Cancer’s domain. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing coworkers or other volunteers out during this time. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


On the 17th, we get a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. This is an incredibly powerful Moon with many layers to it. Let’s start with the eclipse aspect. Eclipses—especially full moon eclipses—often bring quick changes, the revealing of secrets, or warp-speed breakthroughs. This eclipse is happening in your house of wealth and self-worth, so you will likely experience a sudden change of some kind in one of these areas of your life.

But beyond that, this Full Moon is a key celestial body in a planetary configuration called a Kite, which happens when a grand trine shares its base with a minor grand trine. This Kite will connect the Full Moon to Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, and the Sun. The role of the Kite is to help us improve something within us. To do this, we must commit. We must define goals and stick to them. This is not a time to waver—this is poop or get off the pot energy. With the Moon conjunct Neptune in your house of wealth and self-worth, you’ve likely been feeling wishy washy or confused about something involving your money (investments or spending, for example), or about how to show up for yourself and assert your self-worth. But with Uranus and Pluto creating two of the points in the Kite, something may definitively end or begin out of the blue, even if it’s just a shift inside you that brings you a sense of determination and direction in this arena.

Another huge part of this eclipse is a second planetary configuration called a Yod, or The Finger of God. This pattern is often considered to be a point of destiny, where we are forced to make fated choices. This Yod brings the energies of Uranus and the Moon to Venus in Libra. Venus rules love as well as money. Libra also rules love and partnerships, but in your chart, it rules the house of expansion (travel, international relationships, publishing/broadcasting, education, and spirituality). You may make a decision about a publishing or broadcasting project that impacts your money, or you may decide that self-love looks like booking a luxurious trip with your partner. These are all just examples of how the energies might mesh. Whatever the case, with both the Moon and Uranus involved, be careful about being too rash in your decision making—you can absolutely feel into it and use intuition, but avoid taking steps from a place of emotional flooding. The Yod tells us that the decisions you make now will be very important later down the line, so take a beat and a breath before jumping.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this Moon, and it is part of a third configuration called a T-square that connects it with the Moon and the Sun. This tells us that luck and abundance abounds in this astrology, even if the situation feels jarring at first. Jupiter will also trine Venus, bringing affection, money, social opportunities, and a “yee-haw” energy. This is lovely, but don’t let these feelings distract you from red flags. Though issues will likely feel shocking or sudden, now is the time to respond thoughtfully rather than react.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of expansion (travel, international connections, publishing/broadcasting, education, and spirituality all fall under this house). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that help broaden your horizons or bring you into the spotlight in a bigger way. Libra is diplomatic, balanced, and charming—take your cues from here. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of career and legacy, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may feel deeply impassioned about an aspect of your work or a passion project may suddenly end or begin (or transform into something new). Work romances are also a possibility now, or you may be hiding something about your work. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of friends, communities, groups, and audiences. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that some of the groups or communities you’ve belonged to start to unravel a bit (potentially from power struggles). Friendships may feel lackluster or even antagonistic. If you have platforms with an audience that follows you, you may struggle to get a strong response from them. Use this information to help you course-correct—it’s okay to leave the communities and friend groups that aren’t a fit so that you can find your people. As for audiences, collect date on what works and what doesn’t so you can strengthen your numbers going forward. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, therapists, etc.). You will likely have more conversations than usual with partners now, and these one-on-one relationships may leave you feeling seen and empowered.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. Be on the lookout for a coldness or distance between you and a partner in your life around this time. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your home and family sector. So for example, maybe you feel isolated in a relationship with your spouse, but you talk through it, and it brings you two even closer together. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of heartfelt passions (authentic expression, children, fun, romance, creativity, etc.), where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas. You may find that you make headway on a creative project, that you strike up a flirtatious romantic connection, or that you’re able to speak your truth around an issue. These areas can also bring big emotions during this time, or relate to your family (spending more time with children or having an emotional conversation with a family member), as family is Cancer’s domain. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of death/rebirth processes, grief, inner strength, sexuality, and shared finances (loans, inheritances, split bills, taxes, etc.). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations that allow you to leave behind what no longer serves you, grieve, or realize your true inner resolve. This would also be an excellent time to have a sexy exchange with someone. Issues around shared finances may also come up to be resolved with this astrology. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of expansion (travel, international connections, publishing/broadcasting, education, and spirituality), where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may suddenly have deep feelings for someone from overseas, strategize a publishing deal, feel passionate about going back to school, or want to connect with the tarot, astrology, or psychic endeavors. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.




On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of career and public legacy. Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that power struggles are holding you back at the office, or like you can’t seem to get momentum behind any of your projects or pitches. A petty issue with a co-worker may arise now as well. Use this information to help you course-correct and keep your eye on what really matters in the work you do. What do you love about your career? The impact it has? The creativity? Put your focus on what’s working. If nothing is working, now would be a great time to rethink what kind of legacy you want to leave in the work you do—and find the place that will help you get there. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of work, health, and service to others (including pets). This is a great time to pitch your ideas at work, or you may simply find that you have more writing or speaking projects to do at the office. Your health can also benefit from the astrology, leaving you feeling revitalized. This is also a great time to feel seen and appreciated at work or from your acts of service.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. People at the office may turn cold or ice you out, or you to them. This Moon may also bring a health setback of some kind as well, that leaves you feeling isolated or held back. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into seclusion. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your communication sector. So for example, maybe you aren’t included in a project at work that you really wanted to be included in, but a conversation with your higher up allows you to participate after all, to great success. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of home and family, where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in this area—you may buy or sell a house, remodel or make updates to your home, or move forward in some way with a family member (reconcile, part ways, etc.). Your home and family can also bring big emotions during this time, so be aware of that before you enter any conversations. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out, particularly family members. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, therapists, etc.). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have conversations with your closest one-on-one relationships. You may also be thinking about how you show up in partnerships (are you vulnerable, are you closed off?). On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of hidden things, sexuality, strategy, death/rebirth processes, grief, and shared finances (loans, inheritances, taxes, etc.), where it will stay until October 17th. Venus rules relationships, creativity, and money, so relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.




On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of expansion (this includes travel, international connections, education, spirituality, and publishing/broadcasting). Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that travel doesn’t work out how you planned, relationships with people or entities from overseas result in power struggles, writing projects or podcasts you were a part of come back around with unfinished business that needs tending, classes are hard for you to attend for various reasons, or your spirituality feels marred by a sense of darkness or corruption. If you’ve dipped a toe in any of these areas previously, the retrograde may also bring them back up for you to take on again in a different way, in which case, use this time to course-correct. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of heartfelt passions (things like children, creativity, romance, fun, and authentic expression). This is a wonderful time to lean into the things that you’re passionate about, from your projects, to your relationships, to your travel. Communication about these areas (or heartfelt communication) will likely also amp up during this time.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like you don’t know how to open your heart, or that your attempts to connect to your passions are thwarted. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your wealth sector. So for example, maybe you haven’t been able to dedicate time to your creative projects because you have to work, but a grant comes through that allows you to commit fully to what you love. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.

moonscopes April 2023


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors, where it will stay until November 3rd. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas—you may move forward with a writing project or podcast, send that email you’ve been too timid to send, book a trip to see a sibling, or finally ask that neighbor to trim their trees, come over for dinner, etc. These areas of your life can also bring big emotions during this time, and you may find that issues with siblings are especially heightened during this time, as Cancer rules family. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out in your communication practices. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of work, health, and acts of service (pets fall under this category). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have helpful conversations at work, around your health needs, and in relationships where you are being of service (helping a parent or grandparent, or care for a pet). If writing or speaking is part of your job, you will likely see an uptick in projects or need to focus in on a very important project. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, therapists, etc.), where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may suddenly have deep feelings for someone and want to partner with them or you may want to entertain a hidden partnership or hide something from a partner (finances, for example). Partnerships may suddenly end, begin, or transform in profound ways, as can money issues in general. Your sexual connection with your partner can really spark now. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of death/rebirth processes, grief, inner strength, sexuality, and shared finances (loans, inheritances, split bills, taxes, etc.). Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that power struggles result in severed ties, or that tug-of-war issues around shared finances emerge. You may revisit an old grief to help heal it or spark up a connection with a previous lover. Use whatever information comes through now to help you course correct going forward. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of home and family. Conversations about your home or childhood, or with your family members will likely increase now, and you may also feel empowered more in situations that deal with your home.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships are cold, or you just keep getting no’s. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your identity, image, and independence sector. So for example, maybe you have a falling out with a family member who is toxic, and you finally feel empowered to let them go so that you can exercise true freedom and independence. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of wealth and self-worth. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas—you may book a lucrative project, team up with a savvy financial advisor, or get a return on your investments. You might also make headway in your self-worth practices by asking for more money, establishing healthy boundaries, or indulging in luxurious treats you gift yourself. These areas of your life can also bring big emotions during this time, and you may find that money issues with family arise, as Cancer rules family. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out over money or in an attempt to assert your self-worth. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of heartfelt passions (romance, creativity, authentic self-expression, children, and fun). The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you speak your truth, connect with a romantic interest, tap into your creativity more deeply, talk to the children in your life, or plan out a vacation or fun day trip. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of work, health, and acts of service (this includes pets), where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may suddenly strike up an office romance or experience an ending/beginning with a health or work issue. Volunteering to help someone you love may arise during this time as well. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.



On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of partnerships (significant others, best friends, business partners, etc.). Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that your closest one-on-one relationships fray under the weight of power struggles, petty behavior, or past issues that haven’t been resolved. Use whatever information comes through now to help you course-correct going forward. Do you need to let go, humble yourself, or move on? On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. Conversations will likely amp up during this time, and your relationships to the people in your close circle (siblings, neighbors, coworkers, etc.) will probably be in the spotlight.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships are cold, or you just keep getting no’s. You may also be the one shutting others out. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your secrets and mental health sector. So for example, maybe you realize that the way you’re communicating has been pushing people away due to an old wound that requires love and healing. That awareness allows you to heal, change your communication method, and bring people closer to you going forward, rather than push them away. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.



On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of wealth and self-worth. During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas—you may book a lucrative project, team up with a savvy financial advisor, or get a return on your investments. You might also make headway in your self-worth practices by asking for more money, establishing healthy boundaries, or indulging in luxurious treats you gift yourself. These areas of your life can also bring big emotions during this time, and you may find that money issues with family arise, as Cancer rules family. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out over money or in an attempt to assert your self-worth. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of home and family. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have important conversations with family members or roommates, make plans for your living situation, or host house parties. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of heartfelt passions (romance, authentic self-expression, creativity, children, fun), where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. You may feel intensely about a romantic interest during this transit, or become sort of obsessed with a creative project, love interest, or with wanting children. Speaking up about your true feelings may feel harder now, with Scorpio’s secretive energy, but Venus may be able to draw it out of you with her loving presence. Relationships can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.




On the 1st, Pluto retrogrades backward into Capricorn and your house of work, health, and service to others (including pets). Pluto brings power and strength, but in retrograde, is asking you to revisit this area of your life to tie up loose ends or to pull back if need be, until October 11, when it will go direct and power up this arena. For September, you may find that power struggles hold you back at the office, health issues leave you needing more rest and down time, or that resentments build up for you around your service roles. Issues with pets may arise now as well. Use whatever information comes through now to help you course-correct going forward. It may be time to ask for a transfer at work, see a new doctor for a second opinion, or create boundaries around how much you give. On the 22nd, Pluto will trine the Sun, giving you insight and aha-moments into the work that still needs to be done in these areas of your life.


Much of the month has us focusing on the house Virgo rules in your chart because the Sun will be in Virgo all month until the 22nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, and on the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, where it will stay until the 26th. Altogether, this is bringing lots of luck, vitality, and energy to your house of wealth and self-worth. Conversations about money will likely amp up, and you may feel seen, appreciated, and deserving of all that you have and more.

There is one issue. The New Moon on the 2nd is opposite Saturn, which brings a sense of loneliness. You may feel like authority figures are against you, relationships are cold (particularly sexual connections), or you just keep getting no’s (particularly in money). You may also be the one shutting others out. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which originally meant purely whole within oneself (not needing the approval of others), and while that’s beautiful energy, it can veer too far into isolation. The good news is that Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Moon, will sextile both Mars and Jupiter, bringing passion, enthusiasm, and optimism, especially to your friends and communities sector. So for example, maybe you get a no on a loan you really needed, but you’re able to crowdsource funding instead. Whatever challenges come up with this Moon, the outcome will be really lovely, so don’t get discouraged.

On the 11th, talking the talk gets you places when Mars sextiles Mercury, so take those meetings and make those cold calls; conversations or self-talk can turn cold on the 18th when Saturn opposes Mercury—avoid important talks; on the 21st, you’re confident in what you have to say when Mercury squares Jupiter, just make sure you don’t come across as pompous or overbearing; helpful messages you weren’t expecting can come through on the 24th when Mercury trines Uranus; the next day on the 25th, confusion or trickery can show up when Mercury opposes Neptune; and save any intimate or vulnerable convos you want to have for the 26th, when Mercury trines Pluto.

moonscapes April 2023


On the 4th, Mars will move into Cancer, lighting up your house of the self (independence, image, and identity all fall into this category). During the coming two months, you can expect to make strides in these areas—you may have more private time, take solo trips, make changes to your appearance, or assert your identity more powerfully (your sexuality, heritage, professional role—however your identify). These areas of your life can also bring big emotions during this time, and you may involve your family in some way, as Cancer rules family. A word of warning: Mars rules rage, but Cancer’s response to rage is withdrawal, so be careful about icing people out now. There’s a difference between taking a needed time-out and giving others the cold shoulder when a conversation is necessary.


As we close in on the end of the month, the celestial energy will shift into Libra. First the Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd, then Mercury will follow suit on the 26th. This is highlighting your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors/coworkers. The Sun will provide confidence and shed light on what is needed here, and Mercury will help you have important conversations, take on writing/speaking projects, and/or have helpful talks with siblings, neighbors, or coworkers. On the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in what’s known as a cazimi, bringing insights and aha moments to this area of your chart.


On the 22nd, Venus will move into Scorpio and your house of home and family, where it will stay until October 17th. Scorpio is a sign of hidden things, deep passion, strategy, and death/rebirth processes, and Venus rules relationships and money. Something about your living situation may end, begin, or transform during this time, secrets about family members may arise, or you may find that strategic planning is needed on the home front for some reason (for example if you’re buying a house or asking a tenant to vacate). Relationships (with family members or roommates, especially) can end or transform with Venus in Scorpio as well, as can money issues, and sexuality can become heightened. Powerful emotions come with Venus in Scorpio, so feel all the feelings as we enter this phase, but do your best to access your wise mind as well before rushing into anything.


Life and Love Monthly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign September 2024

Those are the predictions on what to expect in love and life with a monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for September 2024 from our expert astrologer. Have an excellent month, dear reader!