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Feeling a bit stressed at the moment? Yep, us too. Given the year the world has had, how could you not be feeling the effects? If, like us, you’re seeking fresh ideas and guidance on how to lower your stress and anxiety levels, especially during the holiday season, read on. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has curated a list of the best stress relief and anxiety reducing podcasts, apps and luxury tech products available right now.

how to relieve some holiday stress and anxiety

This has been quite the year, and you may be having a hard time right now. With the holidays approaching, you may find that all of the emotions of the last eight months are finally coming to the surface, especially with the added stress of celebrations that are not happening as they normally would. Anxiety, disappointment, and sadness are totally reasonable feelings to have right now, and you are not alone.


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We are here to help. These twelve accessories, apps, and podcasts are all here to lighten the load just a little bit. Whether you need a break, an ear, or a total reset, these are going to help you survive the 2020 holiday season, and arrive in 2021 with everything you need.


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The best stress relief and anxiety reducing podcasts and apps right now

1. Woebot

Sometimes we all need a little push to figure out what’s at the bottom of what we’re feeling. That’s where Woebot comes in: the AI, mental health chat-bot who is equipped to use real Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques with its users.

best luxury stress relief products

The best stress relief products right now: Woebot. Courtesy Photo.

Download Woebot, and the next time you experience a mood swing, you’ll be able to engage in live conversations with a platform that can understand and respond to you. This is a resource you’re definitely going to want to have in your back pocket, to save you from any unexpected anxiety spirals in these troubled times.

2. Shine

Of course, self-care works best as a daily practice. The Shine app knows this. It incorporates meditation, reflection, and community connection, tools that can make a difference in the search for emotional stability while under stress.

best luxury stress relief products

The best luxury stress relief products and services: Shine. Courtesy Photo.

Its founders are two women of color who did not see themselves adequately represented in the “wellness” movement. They wanted to make an app to change all that, and that’s how Shine was born.  

3. Superbetter

Superbetter may seem like just another app game, but it’s so much more than that. Made with the genius of the “Live Gamefully” method, everything about Superbetter is designed to help you build strength, resilience, and most importantly, optimism.


best luxury stress relief products

The best stress relief products: Superbetter. Courtesy Photo.

It’s shown to improve not only anxiety, but also depression and chronic pain. And playing a little bit each day is all you need to do.If you’re looking for a more confident and more hopeful mindset, check out Superbetter today.

4. Colorfy

Maybe all you need is a way to de-stress during the holiday season’s tensest moments. As research shows, coloring is not just for children anymore: it’s a simple, relaxing activity that can help your adult brain find peace and clarity, too.

best luxury stress relief products

The best stress relief products: Colorfy. Courtesy Photo.

And if you don’t have all of the supplies you need, no problem – Colorfy is here to make it as easy as possible, putting all of coloring’s benefits at the tip of your fingers with their whimsical, wonderful app. 


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5. Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is the expert on happiness, and her very special podcast is meant to help change your life.

best luxury stress relief products

The best stress relief products: Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin. Courtesy Photo.

Rubin knows that there is no one path to happiness, and that’s the angle from which she approaches it here, as well as in her many books. With more than 112 million downloads, this is a show you probably don’t want to miss. 

6. Daily Boost

If you don’t have the energy to make any major changes right now, there are still tiny first steps you take toward feeling more in balance and a bit more relaxed. For example, one small thing you can do is start off every day with an episode of Daily Boost.

The best stress relief products: Daily Boost. Courtesy Photo.

These pithy podcast episodes are here to add a dose of joy and a dollop of self-reflection to your morning, in under fifteen minutes. Try one out, and see if you feel a little bit better the rest of the day.

7. Not Another Anxiety Show

On this podcast all about anxiety, host Kelli Walker provides all the tips and tricks you need in order to keep yours managed. She knows that it’s a long and complicated journey, and she doesn’t pretend that there is one easy path towards feeling better.

The best stress relief products: Not Another Anxiety Show. Courtesy Photo.

If you find yourself helped by what she says, she even offers a curated list of anxiety coaches who may be able to help you get through difficult times (like right now).

8. The Mindful Podcast

We all know the benefits of meditation, so why don’t we all do it? Well, because it can be difficult. The Mindful Podcast is here to make it a little bit easier.

The best holiday stress relief podcasts and apps: The Mindful Podcast. Courtesy Photo.

Each episode is a different guided exercise, short and sweet and accessible to all listeners. This may be the moment to start your own meditation practice, and we recommend checking out their episodes to get you started.


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9. Muse

If you find yourself loving your new meditation ritual, you may want to treat yourself to Muse ($349). This brain-sensing headband is here to improve your practice by picking up on the biofeedback of your brain and heartbeat – yes, really.

The best stress relief luxury tech products, podcasts and apps right now: Muse. Courtesy Photo.

Its sensors can help you optimize your breath, thoughts and posture for maximum relaxation, and may even help you sleep better at night. This one is going to be a game changer. 

10. Sona Bracelet – coming soon

If you like what you see, you may also want to add your name to the waitlist for the Sona Bracelet ($199). This accessory may look like just a bracelet, when in fact it could be your new secret weapon.

The best luxury stress relief tech products, podcasts and apps: Sona Bracelet. Courtesy Photo.

It connects with the app Caeden to track your physical wellbeing and even train you to be more resilient.  By monitoring your heartrate and movement, it can teach you to control your breath and find calm, even in the most tumultuous times. 


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11. Renpho Massager

A good massage can fix just about anything. Right? Well, sort of. At the very least, it can help us relax, and let go of things we didn’t even know we were holding.


The best luxury holiday stress relief tech product, podcasts, apps and more: Renpho Massager. Courtesy Photo.

With the Renpho massager ($119.99), you can find some of that release, without even having to leave your home. Their heated foot massager fits just about anyone, and has all the same benefits as a professional, in-person massage. Mind. Blown.

12. Bond Touch Bracelets

Part of what’s been so hard about these past seven months is having to keep socially distant from the people we love. No amount of Zoom calling or texting can really make up for the social isolation required during this pandemic, the effects of which can be devastating.

The best stress relief products: Bond Touch Bracelets. Courtesy Photo.

However, the Bond Touch Bracelets ($98) can help you feel close to your favorite person in a totally new way. Simply touch your bracelet, and its counterpart will buzz, letting your loved one know that they’re in your thoughts. The bracelets also come with a special app, giving the two of you your own secret chatroom. If you’ve been feeling lonely, this will help you to stay connected.

Holiday stress relief podcasts and apps

That’s our roundup of a dozen podcasts, apps and new luxury tech products that seem to have some positive impact on stress relief and reducing anxiety during tough times, like the holiday season. If all else fails, though, you can always read a book. Or listen to some music. 

Whatever you choose, please stay safe and strong out there, dear reader. We’re all in this together.

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This article contains affiliate links to products independently selected by our editors. As an Amazon Associate, Dandelion Chandelier receives a commission for qualifying purchases made through these links. 

Abbie Martin Greenbaum grew up in New York City and currently lives in Brooklyn, where she drinks a lot of coffee and matches roommates together for a living. At Oberlin College, she studied English and Cinema, which are still two of her favorite things, along with dessert and musical theater. She believes in magic.

Abbie Martin Greenbaum

Abbie Martin Greenbaum is a writer, reader, and pop culture connoisseur, who loves storytelling, coffee, and dessert. Her work has also appeared in Playbill.